Idea File Fall 2023
52 | Caught Our Eye
The Bruin Twin Falls High School Twin Falls, Idaho 8LIQI “Unapologetically Us” Adviser: Stephanie Pond )HMXSV Alexis Rehder Walsworth Reps: Jake Lee, Aubrey Nelson
8LI ƼVWX XLMRK XLEX NYQTW SJJ XLI TEKI JSV XLMW WXYHIRX PMJI spread is the typography. The dominance of “Eat Sleep Work” functions well, especially with the black and gold color choices. Incorporating the black and white student cutout provides complexity to the design, and the iconic 'LMGO ƼP % HVMRO GYT ERH REQI XEK GSRZI]W XLI XSTMG SJ the page quickly – student jobs. The Bruin staff did a wonderful job featuring a varied group of students who have jobs and what they like and dislike about them. The consistency of the alignment on the right page helps the reader quickly absorb the information.
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