Idea File Fall 2023

50 | Caught Our Eye

The Thunderbird Shawnee Heights High School Tecumseh, Kansas

8LIQI “Isn’t It Obvious” Adviser: Sarah Weekley

)HMXSVW Taylor Rantz, Shea Marney Walsworth Rep: Tracy Tuley, CJE

8LI HSQMRERX TLSXS SJ XLMW WTSVXW TVSƼPI WIXW the tone for The Thunderbird’s TVSƼPI SJ E (MZMWMSR signee. The story highlights the senior athlete’s journey, including three national championships and three state championships. The photographer’s angle and use of aperture draws all the attention to the runner. The module highlights the role of social media in the signing process, [LMGL MW E VIPIZERX XSTMG JSV WXYHIRXW 4VSƼPIW MR XLI sports sections of a yearbook can help readers get to know the athletes in the school even better.

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