Hardwood Floors June/July 2024

By Welton Hong

Over the past decade, Disney consistently has remade its own classics, including the 2019 “photorealistic” computer-animated remake of “The Lion King.” The studio took its beloved story and made something moderately new (and incredibly successful). To that point, one of your most valuable flooring marketing tools today is the content upgrade, which is making old content new again for search engine optimization (SEO) and website conversion boosts.

WHAT IS A CONTENT UPGRADE? Content upgrades (or content updates) are defined as making changes to your existing content to make it more relevant or current. These include: Adding new content: You might find that blog posts of 1,200 words are performing best for your hardwood flooring business right now. If you have a bunch of old posts that are about 600 words, you don’t have to scrap them and start over. Simply add more (good) content to those posts to boost word counts. Deleting obsolete content: In an older post, perhaps you referenced high-end flooring choices in a new luxury home for a celebrity. While that illustration might have worked with readers when you first published the post, these types of references can grow stale over time. Update posts by deleting information or anecdotes that aren’t relevant anymore. Updating information: Often, the most beneficial achievement of content upgrades is updating information to ensure the content remains accurate and helpful and aligns with current SEO best practices.

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