Hardwood Floors February/March 2024


SPECIES SPECS Tiete Rosewood

Guibourtia hymenaeifolia

FAMILY Fabaceae or Leguminosae (legume) family

SEASONING/SHRINKAGE VALUE Tiete rosewood dries slowly with minimal degradation during the seasoning process. When going from green (30 percent MC) to oven-dried, it may shrink up to 7.0 percent (tangential) of its given width.

OTHER COMMON NAMES Patagonian cherry, sirari


APPEARANCE/COLOR Orange to pinkish-brown, with a uniform color and appearance.


TOXICITY/ALLERGIES Can cause skin irritations in some individuals.

INSTALLATION Moderate dulling effect on blades. Grain tear out can occur with figured grain. It is important to cut slowly with this species. Silica in some of the wood can dull blades and bits prematurely. Does not bend well. Due to the natural oils in this species, gluing may require extra precautions. The hardness of this species makes it difficult to drive a fastener through. The air compressor PSI must be adjusted to avoid tongue splitting and ensure adequate seating in the nailing pocket. 18-gauge cleats work best when nailing this wood. SAND/FINISH Tiete rosewood is a very hard and dense wood and requires extra caution with grit progression. Do not skip grits when sanding this wood. The final pass using a hard plate, a multi head, or an oscillating sander normally is done with a higher grit abrasive than with other species to minimize visible scratches. This wood stains and finishes very nicely. Finishes and stains often require extended dry times on this species. Occasionally, white spots or specks that were not noticeable before finishing may become apparent once the floor is coated or after the floor has aged.

Tiete Rosewood


PHOTOSENSITIVITY Moderate. Darkens and reddens with age and exposure to sunlight and oxygen. GRAIN Diffuse-porous. The grain is straight, with a medium to fine uniform texture.

HARDNESS (JANKA) Averages 2,790 lb f

SUSTAINABILITY Tiete rosewood is not listed in the Convention on

AVERAGE DRIED WEIGHT 59 lbs/ft 3 (945 kg/m 3 ) SPECIFIC GRAVITY Averages 0.94 (at 12 percent MC)

International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) appendices or on the International Union for Conservation of Nature Resources (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species.

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