Hardwood Floors February/March 2024


BEGINNING A BUSINESS AND POSITIONING FOR GROWTH You have to start somewhere. For Cindy and Owen Bailey, the starting point was under a shed in 1993, where they began sawing, drying, and manufacturing flooring. As wood flooring regained popularity in the late 1990s, the Baileys say they could not keep up with the demand, so they began purchasing flooring to sell. Today, they have three locations in West Virginia and 14 employees. In addition to being a distributor, they

also install and sand and finish wood floors. Of that journey, Cindy Bailey shares her biggest lesson: “Patience. You have to have patience. Don’t want everything and don’t think you’re going to get rich overnight.” While the roots of Lambright Flooring, located in Charlotte, Michigan, were in installation, the company branched out into distribution and even expanded the business model to include manufacturing stair treads and custom wood flooring. Reid Lambright, president of the company, says a key to their shift was transitioning slowly and rowing the boat close enough to the dock so that they could jump and not fall in. “I think the key was having a long-term view, having something we were shooting for, and knowing what we wanted,” explains Lambright. “It comes down to having a great product that solves customers’ problems and having the main points of business dialed in regarding the whole customer experience. The way you communicate, your accounting system being customer friendly, the way you can provide samples; all of the basics. When you do that, your clients will start telling their friends, and you’ll start growing organically.” Word-of-mouth referrals have been fundamental to Hultman Flooring’s business for more than 30 years. Dean Hultman, the company's original

“It gives the guys so much confidence. They come back from the class excited about what they’ve learned. Watching them learn and improve the quality of work by attending NWFA classes has been amazing.” — Owen Bailey, Bailey Hardwoods

owner, is well-known in the industry and sold to Barbour a few years ago. Barbour says exceeding customer expectations is always the goal. If a company can take on one marketing initiative, though, she suggests establishing a strong online presence. “In today’s digital age, online marketing strategies will enhance customer engagement. Our products and services are visual, therefore, showcase your expertise through high quality images,” advises Barbour. “Spend time positioning yourself as an industry expert. Use social media, share customer reviews and testimonials to help influence potential customer’s decisions.”

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