Hardwood Floors February/March 2017
By Stephanie Owen
Why Wood Flooring Went Digital
in providing education and certification to their members. According to a recent study, credentials rank as a top three reason for joining a professional association among both millennials and genXers. But convincing millennials to enter trades like wood flooring installation requires a level of translation – re-introducing a time-honored, but perhaps less flashy trade to digital natives. While an association that has been certifying hardwood professionals for more than 30 years may not seem like the most likely candidate for innovation, NFWA is lighting the path into high growth, rewarding trades for a generation of screenagers – with technology that provides members with the training they need to earn data-rich, portable and verified digital credentials. In July 2016, NWFA launched its very own university, designed to help our members earn certifications for specific skills through on-demand, online courses. Yet in the age of YouTube and seemingly ubiquitous free online content, we knew that the university’s value couldn’t hinge on online classes or videos alone. Success would require translating education into real-world benefits. And so we designed association-backed digital badges that allow wood flooring professionals to share their expertise (installation or sanding and finishing, for
The wood flooring industry, like many other trades, is facing a shortage of skilled labor, with 86 percent of construction firms reporting trouble filling available positions last year. Ninety-three percent of employers now cite hiring challenges as a barrier to growth in the coming year. And like other facets of our national skills-gap, the shortage stems from both the demand- and supply-sides of the labor market. On the demand side, an aging workforce means
Did You Know? Surveys suggest that 31 million skilled trade positions will be left vacant by 2020 due to retirements.
there are more open positions for installers, creating demand for workers. Surveys suggest that 31 million skilled trade positions will be left vacant by 2020 due to retirements. On the supply side, more and more high school graduates are choosing to pursue a college degree, and far fewer are choosing to enter the trades.
The good news is that for millions of adults with some form of non-degree credentials, certifications can offer a powerful ROI and a clear path to employment. There is also a growing recognition of the role that associations can play
NWFA University officially launched on July 1, 2016. This is what a personal profile looks like for University users.
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