Hardwood Floors February/March 2017
when it was installed and when it was finished. Get a full description of the problem at the outset. • Report the complaint to your supplier if you feel the responsibility may lie there, or if you need some special assistance. Report progress to the homeowner or builder — in writing with a copy for yourself — particularly if progress toward resolution is delayed. • Inspect the floor as soon as possible. Delays can create a second complaint, and do little for your credibility. Do not make a snap judgment
of the problem, and above all, do not report your findings on the spot to the homeowner or builder, or any other interested party. Complete the full inspection procedure, and then assemble your facts for full analysis before deciding the reason for the complaint. Then report your findings in writing. What you say in conversation can be misinterpreted. What is written doesn’t change, and doesn’t invite argument before you are finished having your say.
Kjell Nymark is president at Precision Hardwood Floor Services, Inc.; an NWFACP-certified Installer, Sand & Finisher and Inspector; and NWFA Regional Instructor. He can be reached at precisionfloorservices@telus.net.
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