Hardwood Floors February/March 2017
Pinnacle floors have texture you can feel with your eyes.
This vertical wood panel stands 64‘ tall. Photo by Yassine al Mansouri,
courtesy National Building Museum.
manufacturing communities and benefit urban centers in a wide range of ways. As the only building material that can both reduce carbon emissions and remove carbon from the atmosphere, timber is uniquely positioned to move us toward more sustainable, healthy, and beautiful buildings and cities. As part of the exhibition’s run, two American-manufactured massive timber panels have been installed in the National Building Museum’s historic Great Hall. The vertical panel stands 64 feet tall, soaring to the Museum’s third floor level, and the horizontal panel is 40 feet wide. Timber City is funded in part by the USDA Forest Service and the Softwood Lumber Board. “Timber City” Highlights Wood’s Contruction Potential (Continued)
Earthy. Warm. Ar tist ic. The ar t of f looring. Pinnacle is hardwood flooring at its best in style, color and texture, handcrafted to perfection. Sourced responsibly the world over, and
produced to our stringent standards, Pinnacle brings the feel of hardwoods and all of your expectations together as never before.
F L O O R I N G E N R I C H E D B Y A R T I S T R Y A P R O D U C T O F S W I F F - T R A I N Contact: info@pinnacleflooring.com
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