Hardwood Floors December 2019/January 2020


Considerations about Social Media Policies & Procedures Tweeting at the Speed of Light BIGSTOCK ©

Time in the social media world moves at an extremely rapid pace. News is delivered immediately, original content is created to keep up with the day’s news, and non-original content can be shared at the click of a button. Companies continue to rely on social media to spread their message and promote their brand to mass audiences. However, the ways in which a company uses social media for growth and recognition can have many legal implications. While deemed “commercial” activity as they are designed to interact with potential customers, having proper policies and procedures in place for various certain media platforms including, but not limited to, the company’s website, any company- controlled website forum, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, or other similar program (“Platforms”) must be implemented. This article discusses common areas companies are to be aware of when posting and the ways that proper policies and procedures can mitigate liability or prevent issues from arising when posting on Platforms.

BE AWARE OF VARIOUS POTENTIAL LIABILITIES Below are the most common areas that companies violate when using Platforms: • Intellectual Property Infringement Trademark A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol, or design that identifies and distinguishes the source of a party’s goods from those of others. A “service mark” includes marks that distinguish the source of services

as opposed to goods. A trademark identifies the source of the goods or services. Concerns arise when there is confusion as to the source of those goods or services.

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