Hardwood Floors December 2019/January 2020
By Michael Martin President & CEO, NWFA
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knowledge to be successful in the field. There will be an ongoing focus to keep sharing business best practices that can be easily applied to your company, whether it is big or small. Our audience’s needs are ever-evolving, and we want to be your go-to resource. Expect to read more analysis of data to provide planning insights for your business, and articles that take a deeper dive into the issues that are top of mind among NWFAmembers.
100 hardwood floors www.hardwoodfloorsmag.com Guidelines, new standards will be brought to life in every issue of the magazine, providing you with the technical The thing that sets Hardwood Floors magazine apart is its connection between you and the wood flooring industry. Your business is our business. And we take great pride in providing content that helps set industry standards and makes a difference in your day to day work life. The other thing that sets us apart is a commitment to professionalism. This issue marks a new beginning for us. First of all, we are now BPA audited which means that our circulation list is verified by a third party, providing our advertising partners with proof that they are truly reaching their target audiences. Secondly, we’ve made some updates to the management of the publication. Libby Johnston has been promoted to Publisher and Vice President of Media. After three years of building NWFA’s relationships with our advertisers and the media, it’s a promotion that is well-deserved and sets a fresh tone for the magazine. Similarly, Katie Schenk has been promoted to Advertising &Media Manager. We’ve also added in new content specialists, web expertise, and design talent with the hiring of Burt Bollinger as Editor, Nick Baker as Digital Editor, and Rhonda May as Creative Manager. You will continue to see interesting stories about the people who make up this colorful industry and exclusive educational content. As we finalize the newNWFA Installation
Further, hardwoodfloorsmag.comwill be updated and new tools will help you keep up to date on the latest news and products. From a design perspective, key elements of stories will “pop” so that they are simple to digest and provide understanding at a glance. You also now have the chance to listen to the news and gain in-depth insights from industry experts via a new podcast, NWFAWood Talk.
We are continually making enhancements that demonstrate the value of this publication and that help you view the latest industry information where you want it; whether it’s in print, online, on your phone, or in your inbox. At the end of the day, however, we need you to talk to us about what you want to see on the pages of Hardwood Floors . Send us your company and product news, as well as ideas for stories. After all, as a member of the NWFA and the wood flooring industry, this is your magazine designed to address your issues of the day. Reach me anytime at michael.martin@nwfa.org or contact the magazine directly at news@hardwoodfloorsmag.com. g
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