Hardwood Floors August/September 2018

Earn your certi cation in just three days with


at the Hilton in Harrisburg, PA Sunday 9/30 - Tuesday 10/2, 2018

This intensive new approach to the Certified Installation Manager program allows you to earn your certification in a 72-hour marathon session.

With a focused classroom setting, expert moderators to guide you, and breakfast and lunches included, all you need to focus on is your certification!

Don Styka Education Chairman, FCICA

Mike Newberry, CIM Chairman, FCICA

Program Requirements: 3 Days to CIM Program fee ($100) Accepted CIM Application ($75) Full CIM Program ($1,150/$1,495) Personal laptop and charger For more information, visit http://www.fcica.com/3-days-CIM or call (248) 661-5015

Stay and attend FCICA’s Mid-Year Meeting to start earning Continuing Education Credits “A Sweet Experience” in Hershey, PA Wednesday 10/3 - Friday 10/5, 2018

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