Hardwood Floors August/September 2017



• The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued a direct final rule that would remove the prohibition on early labeling of compliant composite wood products and finished goods in the final Formaldehyde Emission Standards for Composite Wood Products rule, published in the Federal Register Dec. 12, 2016. Removal of this provision under 40 CFR 770.45(f) would allow entities to begin labeling compliant composite wood products and finished goods as TSCA Title VI compliant as soon as compliance can be achieved. • Pallmann® announced that Coastal Hardwood Inc. will distribute Pallmann’s Hardwood Complete range of wood flooring products throughout the Gulf Coast Region of Mississippi, Alabama, and the Florida Panhandle. • Bostik has acquired CMP Specialty Products, the flooring and floor preparation business of US-based CGM. • Pinnacle Interior Elements and Palo Duro Hardwoods have launched a new engineered wood flooring line in Colorado and the surrounding Rocky Mountain region. The line consists of 26 colors from four collections of textured, wide-plank flooring in hickory, white oak, and walnut. • Bona US announced the grand opening of a Bona Regional Training Center in Marietta, Georgia. The center, located just north of Atlanta celebrated with a Grand Opening event that included food, prizes, and hands-on product demonstrations.

By Megan Lhamon

The species installed was a 2-1/4 inch oak. “Being May and being that we let our wood previously acclimate to a similar environment already, there wasn’t a need to acclimate this particular wood on the job site,” says Julia. PROCESS DETAILS After installing the boards that had been sanded down, the entire floor was sanded and ready for finish. “This will definitely be the last layer for the life of this floor, so we finished with three coats of an oil-based finish to help provide a thicker top layer,” says Julia. MAINTENANCE “Being in a commercial environment, we recommend regular maintenance coats to help extend the life of the floor,” adds Julia. Valenti Flooring primarily works on residential jobs, but either way, they always provide their customers with a recommended maintenance schedule and a suggestion of cleaning products that are safe for the floor. “It’s important that the cleaning crews understand not to use chemicals on the floor,” says Julia. “We do what we can to try and prolong the life of the floor by providing our customers with care tips. The Beach Bar was a fun job. Every day is different, and that’s why we love what we do!”

Technical Note: NWFA guidelines state that generally, if the wear thickness is less than 3/32”, the floor should not be sanded.


The final product was finished with three coats of an oil-based finish to help provide a thick top layer that would ensure a longer life for the floor.

the magazine of the national wood flooring association


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