Hardwood Floors August/September 2017

• Galleher entered into a distribution agreement with Tarkett to begin immediate distribution of its Johnsonite brand throughout Galleher’s distribution territory, which covers Arizona, Nevada, and California. • Denver Hardwood celebrated its 36th Anniversary with the Grand Opening of a new 100,000-square foot, state-of- the-art distribution center located in Denver. Customers and staff networked with more than 20 suppliers with product displays and demos throughout the day. • The North American Association of Floor Covering Distributors (NAFCD) announced a new partnership with Caliper, a New Jersey-based talent management firm that guides businesses in developing their workforce and aligning talent with strategy. DISTRIBUTOR DOINGS • Armstrong Flooring announced its 2016 Elite Retailers of the Year: Gold – Baker Brothers; Silver – Riemer Floors; and Bronze –WorldWide Wholesale, as well as honorable mentions for United Flooring Group and Floor Covering Associates. The award is based on a variety of factors, including sales, lead conversion rates, overall program support, showroom quality, and website excellence. RETAILER ROUNDUP

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