Hardwood Floors April/May 2019

By Tonya Glynn

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Educate employees about benefits Education is fundamental to ensuring theworkers’ needs aremet. Employee satisfaction o en hinges on their understanding of the bene ts that are o ered and how they can best use their plans. For example, do your employees knowwhere to look for in-network providers to lower their costs?Do they knowwhen it’s appropriate to use an emergency room, urgent care, or clinical care based on theirmedical needs? Ahealthy and informedworkforce can have a signi cant positive impact on your company’s bo om line. A strategy to educate employees about plan o erings and how the bene ts can be used in the changing health caremarket is o en overlooked. e li le things add upwhen it comes to care and costs, so it’s essential that employees understand how theirmedical coverageworks before they need it.

the magazine of the national wood flooring association


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