Hardwood Floors April/May 2019


Abrasives & Sanding Equipment


LÄGLER TRIO e Lägler TRIO three-disc sander started the multidisc revolution in oor sanding more than 20 years ago. With enough power to a en oors and the right touch for ne sanding, the TRIO is the game-changer the industry’s leading cra smen use on every sanding job. laglernorthamerica.com

e ROTEX RO 150 with 3-in-1 action – for coarse sanding, ne sanding, and polishing. One tool for an extremely high material removal rate during coarse sanding. A super- ne result when ne sanding. And a perfect nish when polishing. Perfect for the hard-to-reach areas or following an edge sander. festoolusa.com

MASTER-SAND Master-Sand Products Master-Sand products o er the best value in brush sanding because all of our products are custom made to t your exact requirements. We also o er a full line of wire, abrasive nylon, and staining brushes. All products are made in the USA and shipped in two weeks or less. 844.806.5134 master-sand.com

MERCER INDUSTRIES Zirconia Floor Sanding Belts Mercer Industries® Zirconia Floor Sanding Belts provide outstanding performance for ooring professionals who require a high level of productivity and a low total abrasive cost. e highest quality zirconia grain allows for a faster cut, outstanding durability, and longer life. It’s the professional’s choice for all your oor sanding applications. mercerindustries.com

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