Hardwood Floors April/May 2019

LENMAR Booth 1109 Lenmar® ClearCoat PROWaterborne Floor Finishes: one- and two-component interior waterborne topcoats and sealers, all specially formulated to provide durability and protection for hardwood oors in commercial and residential se ings. For exceptional hardness, durability, and mar and scu resistance, choose our highest performing Lenmar® ClearCoat PRO XD. lenmar-coatings.com LIGNOMAT USA Booth 1228 All pinless meters from Lignomat come with built-in calibration check. e calibration is internally checked before each reading and adjusted before the reading is displayed. Lignomat o ers an external test block with a set moisture value. e check block con rms all circuitries are working from the measuring plate to the indicated moisture value. Same test block works for all pinless meters from Lignomat. lignomatusa.com LOBADUR® Viva is a 1K waterborne nish for wood oors. For normal to heavy tra c in residential areas and light commercial use. Excellent for renovations and new installations. Low emission and very low solvent content. Fully cured in ve days. No lap marks. Best in its class! loba-wakol.com LP BUILDING PRODUCTS Booth 1343 Work with a strong support system – LP Legacy® premium OSB sub ooring is APA-rated as one of the sti est sub oor panels in the industry. It’s made with Gorilla Glue Technology® – a name your customers know and trust – for superior moisture resistance and protection against edge swell. Exceptional fastener holding makes it ideal under hardwood ooring, tile, and heavy appliances. lpcorp.com/testedextreme LOBA-WAKOL LLC Booth 433 LAUZON DISTINCTIVE HARDWOOD FLOORING Booth 1621 With its natural raw wood color, the Silenzio from Lauzon’s new Tempo Series is o ered in both hard maple and red oak. Featuring a smooth texture, an ultra-ma e nish, and the air-purifying Pure Genius technology, Tempo hardwood oors o er the perfect balance of easy living and great design. lauzon ooring.com

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