Hardwood Floors April/May 2019


APPALACHIAN LUMBER COMPANY Booth 933 Producing engineered and solid plank ooring, mouldings, stair parts, treads, risers, box newels, handrails, and more. Specializing in the unique and hard to nd! Stocking over 20 species, with inventory of many stock items. Give us an opportunity on your next special hardwood job. 800.298.3202 appalachianlumber.net


StreetShoe® NXT Wood Floor Finish with XL Catalyst is a waterbased system formulated especially for high tra c wood oors. It provides a clear nish that remains unmatched in performance and durability. StreetShoe NXT contains special UV inhibitors that provide even more protection for your oor from the sun’s harmful rays. basiccoatings.com

BONA US Booth 1019

BOSTIK INC. Booth 1117

In one coat, Bona Cra Oil® 2K penetrates deep into hardwood oors, resulting in strengthened wear resistance and rich, organic looking oors. Nine colors serve as the basis for a limitless spectrum or blend/apply two colors for a custom look. Over-coatable with any nish in the Bona Tra c® family. bona.com

Bostik GreenForce® is a high-performance hardwood ooring adhesive and moisture control membrane all in one. With Bostik’s breakthrough AXIOS® Tri-Linking™ Polymer Technology, GreenForce® maintains the superior long term durability and moisture protection properties of high- end urethane hardwood oor adhesive. May be used with all engineered hardwood ooring, solid hardwood ooring, bamboo, cork, and parquet. bostik.com/us

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