Hardwood Flooring February March 2018

By Paul Reilly

in a solution. Products can be similar. Companies can look and feel the same, but the salesperson is the unique dimension of value that differentiates the total solution. Trust is the currency of great relationships. Buyers want to buy from those whom they trust. If two people like and trust each other, they will work out the details. Price is a detail. Every great relationship is built upon a foundation of trust. Value-added salespeople deliver the good news along with the bad news. Customers value trust. When a customer trusts you, price becomes less of an issue.


So back to the question, “How has sales changed over the years?” Not much. These principles will help guide you through the mazes of tomorrow. Regardless of technological change, these principles still apply. Ask yourself this question: is your sales approach built on principles or techniques? If it’s built on techniques, you’re limited by the techniques you know. If your sales approach is built on principles, you’re limited only by the edges of your imagination and the extent of your initiative. Paul Reilly is President of Reilly Sales Training, a St. Louis-based, privately owned company that specializes in training sales professionals, sales managers, and service professionals. Reilly Sales Training offers public seminars, in-house sales training programs, and hiring and training assessments. For additional information on training programs, call or email Paul at 636.778.0175 or paul@reillysalestraining.com. You can also visit reillysalestraining.com and sign up for his free newsletter.

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the magazine of the national wood flooring association


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