COACHING coaching

Coaching Skills Inventory

Third Edition Kenneth R. Phillips Assessment and Workshop, 1 hour

Ignoring performance issues won’t make them go away. This will. Have you ever had a manager who talked with an employee say, one, two, maybe three times about a nagging performance issue — but no good ever came from it? Or perhaps you’re familiar with the manager who chooses to pretend problems don’t exist and ignores them altogether. Unfortunately, these types of scenarios occur far too often in the workplace and they’re a lose-lose predicament for not only the employee and manager, but the organization as well. Skilled managers know that the first step to effective coaching is to establish a rapport based on mutual trust. It’s the foundation of healthy manager-employee relationships as well as the key to growth and performance. But that’s only the first step. To ensure a truly productive coaching meeting, managers need to follow a seven-step process: • Building a Relationship of Mutual Trust • Opening the Meeting • Getting Agreement • Exploring Alternatives • Getting a Commitment to Act • Handling Excuses • Closing the Meeting This approach to performance coaching doesn’t come from gut instinct or intuition alone. Designed for supervisors, managers, and team leaders, this assessment measures the ability to conduct effective coaching meetings and build productive relationships with employees. With the help of the Coaching Skills Inventory, they develop the ability — and the confidence — to redirect employee behavior and improve everyday performance.

L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S • Identify strengths and weaknesses in the skills needed for effective coaching meetings • Compare skill levels with a normative group of managers from a wide range of industries • Acquaint managers, supervisors, and team leaders with a seven-step model for effective coaching meetings • Help employees to improve their performance through effective performance coaching meetings • Measure the development of coaching skills pre- and post-training coachskills

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Facilitator Set Includes facilitator guide, workshop instructions, sample participant materials, and PowerPoint presentation


Paper Self Assessment


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QuickStart Training Two hours of telephone coaching for facilitators


“ This was really great. It helped identify the kinds of excuses employees usually throw at their managers and how to effectively handle those situations.” Lora Pace FedEx | 25

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