HJ Boerboom/Petrolle's Church Supplies 2024-2025-c

Re nishing/Restoration

Prices Subject to Change


Contact us for all your re nishing and reguilding needs. We nish and rebuild tabernacles, chalices and all bronze/brass appointments.


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Current Tabernacle Refinished, New Exposition Door in Rear


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Your sacred vessels and church legacy heirlooms should only be re nished by a trusted church goods dealer with a brick and mortar store. We are your source for all re nishing and restoration. We re nish chalices, ciboria, monstrances and tabernacles. During the re nishing process, your item will be completely disassembled. All pieces will be adjusted and repaired, including any dents or dings. We will fabricate or cast any missing parts that need to be replaced. e lacquer is stripped and all parts are prepared for polishing. Your piece will be polished, cleaned and lacquered. Immediately a er spraying the parts are put into an oven and baked to achieve a deep, lustrous durable nish. A er the parts have cured, they are inspected. e item is reassembled, adjusted and lubricated. e result is a piece that looks brand new.

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