Grove Gear 8050 Catalog

Technical Information

High Efficiency Helical - Bevel Gear Reducers High Efficiency Gear Reducers Technical Information Warnings and Cautions Terms and Conditions SPEED REDUCER NOMENCLATURE & DEFINITIONS BACKLASH – Rotational movement of the output shaft when holding the input shaft stationary and rotating the output alternately clockwise and counter clockwise. Backlash is defined as the clearance between adjacent tooth flanks in a pair of mounted gears. In any gearset, some amount of backlash (clearance) is necessary to prevent damage brought about by gear tooth interference. Lack of backlash may cause noise, overloading, overheating of gears and bearings and even seizing and failure. CENTER DISTANCE – On a single reduction reducer, this is the distance between the center lines of the input and output shafts. Shaft center lines may be parallel or at right angles to one another. The center distance of multiple stage reducers usually refers to the lowest speed stage (last reduction). THRUST LOAD – Forces imposed on a shaft parallel to the shaft axis. It is often encountered on shafts driving mixers, fans, blowers and similar machines. When thrust load acts on a speed reducer, you must be sure that the thrust load rating of the UHGXFHU LV KLJK HQRXJK WKDW LW·V VKDIWV DQG EHDULQJV FDQ DEVRUE WKH ORDG MECHANICAL RATING – The maximum power or torque that a speed reducer can WUDQVPLW EDVHG RQ WKH VWUHQJWK DQG GXUDELOLW\ RI LWV FRPSRQHQWV LV LW·V PHFKDQLFDO rating. Obviously, the reducer may be rated no higher than the strength or durability of its weakest component. Reducers typically have a safety margin of two to three on their mechanical ratings. Thus, a reducer can withstand momentary overloads of 200-300% of its mechanical rating during a start up or other brief overload situations. MOUNTING POSITION – The relationship of the input and output shafts relative to the floor line. HORSEPOWER – A measure of the rate of doing work and equals the power required to lift 33,000 pounds one foot in one minute. INPUT HORSEPOWER – The amount of power applied to the input shaft of a UHGXFHU E\ WKH SULPH PRYHU LV LW·V LQSXW KRUVHSRZHU ,W LV RIWHQ XVHG DV D VHOHFWLRQ basis for power transmission components, and it appears in the rating table of drive PDQXIDFWXUHU·V SXEOLVKHG GDWD 5HPHPEHU WKDW LQSXW KRUVHSRZHU UDWLQJV UHSUHVHQW the maximum amount of power that the reducer can safely handle. OUTPUT HORSEPOWER – The amount of power available at the output shaft of D UHGXFHU LV LW·V RXWSXW KRUVHSRZHU 'XH WR ORVVHV FDXVHG E\ LQHIILFLHQF\ RXWSXW horsepower is always less than input horsepower. TORQUE – A twisting effort tending to cause rotation. Because most power transmission is associated with rotating elements, torque becomes important as a measurement of the effort required to produce work in the rotational mode. Torque is expressed as a force multiplied by a lever arm. It is stated in several units – pound feet, pound inches, ounce inches, ounce feet, etc. However, the most commonly used is pound inches. In the case of speed reducers and gears, force or load is usually expressed in pounds and distance in inches. For example, if a load of 10 pounds is applied to a shaft by means of a wrench 9 inches long, we then have a torque of 10 pounds x 9 inches or 90 lb. in. Gear Reducers Stainless Steel & WASHGUARD ® High Efficiency Parallel Shaft

It is important to note that torque measurement is not dependent on time. The same amount of torque may be required to run a shaft slowly or rapidly, but the introduction of a time element causes work to be performed, and work is measured in terms of horsepower. Consider the application of drawing water from a well via winch and bucket. In raising a 50-pound pail of water with a 10-inch diameter (5-inch radius) drum and a 10-inch crank arm, 25 pounds (neglecting friction) must be applied to the 10-inch crank

arm to overcome the torque created by the weight of the pail of water acting on the 5-inch drum radius. If no motion is involved, the system is in balance, and although torque is being exerted, no work is being done. If the crank is turned at the rate of 10 RPM, the resulting work done is:

HP = T x RPM


250 x 10 =

approx .04 HP



If the crank is turned twice as fast, the horsepower expended becomes:

250 x 20 =

approx .08 HP


Therefore, exerting the same torque at twice the speed requires twice the horsepower.

RATIO – is defined as the driving speed divided by the driven speed. If a 1750 RPM electric motor is used to drive a 350 RPM conveyor, the ratio would be a q750/350 = 5:1. Ratio is useful for calculating speed reduction and torque multiplication from driver to driven member. For example, a 5:1 ratio Uniline speed reducer directly connected to an electric motor would reduce the motor speed to 1/5 of its original value while multiplying the motor torque to 5 times the original value (neglecting friction loses). SPEED REDUCER SELECTION – Before a reducer can be selected for any given application, the equivalent horsepower is computed by multiplying the specified or actual horsepower by the service factor for the particular load classification for which the unit is to be used. It is necessary that the unit selected have a capacity equal to or in excess of this equivalent horsepower. The recommended service factors for various load classifications and duration of service are shown for several types of prime movers on page 644. Load classifications for various applications are given on page 644. They are classified into three commonly recognized load classifications: Uniform, Moderate Shock, and Heavy Shock. Service factors represent the normal relationship between gear design power rating and the continuous power requirements. Applications involving unusual or severe loading or requiring a high degree of dependability should be carefully reviewed with the manufacturer before a service factor is applied. Applications with high-torque motors and motors for intermittent operations, applications where extreme repetitive shock occurs, or where high-energy loads must be absorbed, as when stalling, require special consideration and are not covered by the service factors given on page 644. When drives are equipped with brakes on the input, and the torque rating of the brake exceeds the rating of the motor, the rating of the brake dictates the selection of the gear unit. The maximum momentary or starting load must not exceed 300 percent of rated load (200 percent overload). Rated load is defined as the unit rating with a service factor of 1.0.


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