Generac Brochure ENGLISH
Automatic Standby Generators
No extension cords, no refueling, no manual starting Prepare Today for the Next Power Outage
COMMUNICATION: phone, Internet, TV
Imagine your home without power While more families have chosen a Generac home standby generator more than any other brand, they didn’t all do so for the same reasons. What would your family miss during a power outage?
Refrigeration/freezer: food spoilage Furnace: frozen pipes, heat Air conditioning: mold growth, comfort Sump pump: flooding Internet, cell phone
Cooking, bathing and washing clothes Charging power tools for use during the emergency and post outage cleanup
Keeping the kids
occupied with TV, video games and Internet
Monetary loss from hotel costs, eating
chargers, TV: lose contact with the outside world
out, personal property damage, unexpected expenses
Lighting: inside and outside
Top causes for power outages Permanent power protection is more important than ever as unexpected power outages have become more frequent and are lasting longer. Causes range from severe weather to an overtaxed power grid.
Source: Generac Power Outage Explorer 2014
“4 out of 5 homeowners choose a Generac home standby generator.” Source: Frost & Sullivan
For over 50 years, Generac has focused primarily on power generation, and we now offer more generator solutions than any other manufacturer. This heritage has helped make us the number one choice in residential automatic standby power, chosen seven to one over the closest competition. When you choose Generac, you’re not just choosing protection for your home, you’re choosing peace of mind. Rest easy knowing you’re protected by the market leader
How it works.
If your power goes out, your generator comes on, automatically. It’s really that simple. The generator system consists of a generator and transfer switch. The generator sits outside of your home or business just like a central air conditioner, while the transfer switch is located next to the main breaker box, and in some cases replaces it entirely.
Guardian Series
1 Utility power is lost.
4 Generator automatically turns on.
Generator automatically
Electricity is automatically restored.
detects a problem.
22–60 kW
8–22 kW
7 kW
No matter your needs or your budget, Generac has a home backup power solution for you. And our installation staff is specially trained to help you select the system that will work best for you. The Home Depot can help select the right Generac home backup generator for you
Power it all, all the time Most homeowners want the peace of mind that comes with whole-house coverage. Whenever there’s an outage, you don’t have to worry—because the power stays on at all times throughout your entire home. Smart power where you need it Whole-house coverage may not fit every budget. With a power management system, your generator can work smarter. It protects all your home’s circuits by cycling power on and off as needed for different appliances. And you decide what gets priority. Power just the basics Some homeowners prefer a simple, economical approach. Essential coverage protects only your most important circuits—such as lights, furnace, water heater, refrigerator/freezer and sump pump.
Installation Steps You’ve decided backup power is a necessity. NOW WHAT?
Understand the Benefits of Home Depot’s Install Program
If you are not sure whether or not you need a professional installer, consider:
Your confidence that you’ve selected an adequately-sized system for your needs
The weight of the generator, and equipment needed to transport it
Local codes
Your comfort level working with electrical wiring, grounding, voltage, amperage and gas line hookup
If you are unsure, call 1-800-HOMEDEPOT (466-3337) to discuss a free in-home consultation.
Call for a FREE In-Home Consultation
Call 1-800-HOMEDEPOT (466-3337) to schedule an appointment with a trained home backup power system consultant. They will assess your backup power needs, help you select the right system and schedule installation.
Prepare for Your In-Home Survey
The most important aspect of your generator purchase is identifying the correct size. Take a moment to review the checklist below to determine what you will want to power in the event of an outage. This will help you prepare for your in-home survey and give your installer a starting point to determine how much backup you will need.
___ Central Air Conditioner ___ Window Air Conditioner ___ Electric Water Heater ___ Electric Dryer ___ Electric Range ___ Refrigerator ___ Kitchen Lights/Outlets ___ Freezer ___ Well Pump ___ Furnace ___ Garage Heater ___ Electric Heat ___ Sump Pump ___ Basement Lights/Outlets ___ Garage
___ Home Office ___ Family Room ___ Living Room ___ Master Bedroom
___ Bedroom 2 ___ Bedroom 3 ___ Bathroom 1 ___ Bathroom 2
___ Other _________________ ___ Other _________________
4 The in-home consultation A qualified local installer will visit your home and:
Assess your backup power needs
Review important installation details, including sizing and site evaluation
Identification of any non-typical issues that may arise
You will receive a system recommendation and installation estimate. Also noted are any additional installation services, custom electrical work and associated costs that you may incur.
Using the recommendation from your in-home consultation, you can now confidently purchase your system 5 Call 1-800-HomeDepot (466-3337)
Professional Installation A team of courteous, trained installation specialists will install your Generac backup power system and:
Review the work completed
Clean up the installation site
Perform a walk-thru demonstration
Coordinate inspections to validate code compliance and obtain the necessary approvals
Enjoy Peace of Mind Rest easy knowing your backup power comes from Generac, the market leader, with installation backed by The Home Depot.
for a FREE in-home consultation.
Installation services not available in all areas. All installation services provided by insured, licensed (where applicable) and background screened independent contractor Home Depot Authorized Service Providers. License numbers held by or on behalf of Home Depot U.S.A. Inc.: AK #25084, ANCHORAGE #1745; AL: #1924, #3010, 03633, 10031, 45878, EAST BREWTON #2010000003741, , FLORENCE #70981 MOBILE COUNTY #13882; AR: #0228161012; AZ #ROC252435, # ROC092581; CA: 602331; CO #ME-30122, #189758, #EC-7930, #ME-5538; CT #533772; DC #50008329; DE: #1997116469(331), BETHANY BEACH #6301, DEWEY BEACH #12-0006, ELSMERE L0-00162, NEW CASTLE COUNTY #L2-00320, REHOBOTH BEACH #28083; FL: #22640, #CAC1813767,#CFC053316, #CFC1426021, #CFC1427642, #CGC1504124, #CGC1514813, #CMC1249322, #EC0001440, #CGC1512641; GA #GC1000087; GM,#C-0610-0320; HI #C30305, #CT-22120; CT 28468; IA #C091302; ID: RCE-21469, #002302, #3662, #003812, #005190, #RCE-19683, #RCT30229; IL :CHICAGO #1842218-1842227, #PL058-156068, #TGC052654. ELMWOOD PARK, CITY OF DARIEN, #PL058-169244; LAKE BLUFF # 43009, MELROSE PARK #2086, WESTCHESTER #2154, MONEE #0023; IN: ALLEN COUNTY (FT. WAYNE) #BD16823, #BD16824, EVANSVILLE-VANDERBURGH COUNTY #RSC1230, GARY #100255-01, #100257-04, GRIFFITH #C000965, HAMMOND #018345-02; KS:JOHNSON COUNTY 2011-6270; KY: LEXINGTON-FAYETTE URBAN COUNTY #11517; LA: #LMP 2977,LMJ 6981,LMP6987, #43960;MA #112785,104510;9875,134339;MD #11589,#76141,#100770,05-42144-1- 44 OCEAN CITY #32682; MI: #2101-089942, #2101198586,DETROIT #LIC2002-00895; MN #BC147263, #20638192, 93714-PJ, 93716-PM, 93715-PM; MS: #R 00304, MT: #37730; NC: #31521; ND: #29073;NE: #26085; NH: 4324, GFF0802907; NM: #86302, #C86302, #365222; NV: LAS VEGAS #C11-08622, NORTH LAS VEGAS #89676, NV: #25720, #38686; NY: BUFFALO #524355, CITY OFTONAWANDA #15881, EAST HAMPTON #4499,LONG BEACH #4917,NASSAU COUNTY H1171050000- H1771053000,NIAGARA FALLS #971, NORTH HEMPSTEAD #0971-ER, NORTH TONAWANDA #368.12, NEW YORK CITY #0900456, #900457, #0900458, #0910621, #0910622, #0920734, #0968605, #1003822, #1003823, #1003825,#1003828, #1003830, #1003833, #1026224, #1075580, #1129555, #1129556, #1129557, #1129562, #1129564, #1133444, #1152032, #1152034, #1152035,#1152036, #1152038, #1152039, #1152040, #1178447, #1186042, #1212045, #1223272, #1251871, #1318292, OYSTER BAY #00971, PUTNAM COUNTY #PC 689, ROCKLAND COUNTY #H-06464, SOUTHAMPTON #L002442, SUFFOLK COUNTY 47874-ME, SUFFOLK COUNTY 45864-H, TOWN OF TONAWANDA #CN0280, WESTCHESTER COUNTY #WC18484H06, YONKERS #4409; OH: CINCINNATI #CBRC004473,CLEVELAND #CR09034748,CLEVELAND HEIGHTS #3897,COLUMBUS #G6052,LAKEWOOD #1000003993,MEDINA #12-394, SHAKER HEIGHTS #7223; OK: EDMOND #463, LAWTON #91910-P, NORMAN #12-0008027, OK #91910, #126128, 0135514 TULSA #TUL-2131A; OR#8558, #11827, #95843; PA: BEAR CREEK TOWNSHIP #1692, JOHNSTOWN #822, PHILADELPHIA #18736; RI: #9480; SC: CHARLESTON COUNTY #201153540, CITY OF CHARLESTON #35736, SC # 49540, #CB00008, #48557, #G110120; TN #00047781; TX: DALLAS #1131556, #1133429, #1135096, #1135132, #1138821,#1138822, #1143219, TICL-113, #8926, #ME-137170, #TECL-2447, #MN-46054, #JE-127673, #JE13736, #JE198856, #TECL167953, #LI17862, #LI18140, #M-16451, #M-36192, #TACLB-14980C, #TACLB-16712C #TACLA-1574C, #WTS-4195, #WTS-4132; UT: #286936- 5501, 6585049-5501; VA: 2705133809, #2710010483, #2710053444, #2705-068841A, #2705113107A; WA: HOMED088RH; WI: #127782, #1046796, #1126970; WV: #PL02583, #PL11329, #WV036104, CHARLESTON COUNTY #15121, HUNTINGTON #063802, NUTTER FORT; WY: CHEYENNE #CT-13-09550, CT11-23684, M-26035 License numbers held by or on behalf of THD AT- HOME SERVICES, INC.:AL Lic#10656, Sub S-43165;AZ Lic #ROC193323, ROC218039, ROC223472, ROC254479, ROC254482; CA Roofing/ Fencing/ B Lic #836021; CT #HIC.0565522; DC Contract Only 6148; DE Lic# 1997112310; FL CRC046858, CGC1507093, CCC058327; ID Lic#RCE-18527; IA Lic#CO87256;KSLic#KS10-1239;IL Roofing 104-014925; LA #HI. 0550419; ME #CO2439; MD Lic# 52036; MA Lic#126893; MI Lic# 2104158225; MN Lic #CR268257; MS Lic # RO5788; NV # 0057766, 0065773, 065776; NJ Lic #13VH01058300 & LO63476; NM Lic# 351405; NC Lic#64796; ND #29346 Class D; OR #158651; PA PA002232; RI Lic#16427; SC Lic# 22647 and Lic#G115673; TN #59337; UT #5604067-5501; VA Lic #2705073411A; WA HOMED**972RQ; WV Lic # WV033268; WI Lic#850869, Qualifier#1068645; Columbus, OH Lic #HIC-4992 and G6519; Toledo, OH Lic #BTR 05603HRC; Buffalo, NY Lic #536671 Sub Contractor; Suffolk Cty #27587-H; Philadelphia, PA #21855; Rockland County, NY # H-09403-B6-00-00; NYC #1201902; Nassau Cnty, NY #H18G1650000;Yonkers, NY #3802; Hammond, IN Lic#19030
You can get an Automatic Standby Generator
Based on a $8,000 loan amount at a fixed 7.99% APR *Subject to qualifying credit approval.Terms and conditions subject to change. Interest only payments are required during the rst 6 months.The remaining balance is amortized over 84 months at a 7.99%APR and payments are calculated at $15.60 for every $1,000 spent.See the loan agreement or ask anAssociate for details.Not available in Puerto Rico,USVI and Guam.
Generac Power Systems, Inc. S45 W29290 Hwy. 59, Waukesha, WI 53189
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