GLR November-December 2023

BTW Find the Fit Let’s say you’re a conservative activist whose idée fixe it is to fight “transgenderism” in public schools, and you want to do something truly gonzo to make your point and get people fired up. Naturally, your first instinct would be to con struct a sixteen-foot penis sign with President Biden’s face on the head and the words “ BIDEN SUCKS ” in giant letters above the image. And that is exactly what Virginia GOP Central Com mittee Representative Ron Hedlund did over the summer. In truth, the rest of us are still scratching our heads to “find the fit” between Mr. Hedlund’s stated desire to protect the children from transgenderism and the penis sign, which also included thewords “ SHIT IS FUCKED UP AND STUFF .” Another fun touch is that the penis appears to be ejaculating, and the droplets are la beled “My Kids” with a helpful arrow pointing upward. No doubt Freud would have a field day with a man who sees his kids as drops of semen (his own?); but the trans connection is still unclear. Another sign read “Stop grooming our children,” which is a big part of Hedlund’s spiel. So... the penis represents Biden, who’s the Groomer in Chief, and… then what? Anyway, it’s worth noting that the demonstration occurred at the RF&P Park in Henrico County, VA, where kids were playing a base ball game just meters from the sign. Well at least they weren’t exposed to anything trans-related.

Books 1, Thieves 0 Books are being banned all over the coun try, and citizens in places without bans are taking matters into their own hands. Take the case of Amy Vance and Martha Mar tin, whose branch library in San Diego wasn’t on the banned bandwagon, so they decided to check out any books they deemed “inappropriate” and simply not return them to the li brary. The scheme quickly blew up in their faces. Their mistake was writing a letter declaring their intentions to head librarian Misty Jones, who in turn issued a statement defending the four teen books that the women were expropriating. Once San Diego councilmember Marni von Wilpert got wind of the gambit, the story hit the local news and even went national, complete with von Wilpert’s request for the public’s help in support of a be leaguered library. Before long, the library had received gifts to taling $45,000 and cartons of LGBT-themed reading and programming materials with which to expand its collection. So now if Ms. Vance and Martin decide to rip off books they don’t like, they’re going to need a bigger backpack.

TheG & LR


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