GLR May-June 2023

may not have foreseen: there’s a new gay reality dating show called For the Love of DILFs on OutTV that’s being hosted by Stormy Daniels (yes, that Stormy Daniels). The series features two groups of gay men, “daddies” and “himbos,” who compete for each other’s affections. Daddies are older men (but not too old!), while “himbos” are gay bimbos (get it?). The goal is to be the first lucky couple to find their per fect match (and win $10k!),


God’s Nature To date we’ve managed to ignore the existence of one Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), whose verbal assaults on everyone who isn’t white, Christian, and straight are not to be dignified. Nevertheless, she recently made an oddly fascinating statement that an observant writer at LGBTQ -Nation (Molly Sprayregen) picked up. It came as Greene was re introducing her “Protect Children’s Innocence Act,” which would make it a felony to provide gender-affirming care to minors. Standing by a sign that read “There are TWO genders: Male & Female. ‘Trust The Science!’” she ended her gleeful defense of this cruel proposal by declaring that “God made all of us, male and fe male, in his image.” The implication is clear: God must be non binary! For if “man” was made in God’s image, it has to work both ways. Christian theology has traditionally been quite con tent with the notion that man was created in God’s image (with woman emerging from a rib or whatever), but Ms. Greene is making a claim that posits two sexes in her binary model. But in order for that to work, God would have to be non binary to pro duce Their two, differently gendered offspring. It’s Gonna Be Huge All in the interest of keeping our finger on the Zeitgeist as it evolves in ways that those over, say, fifty

and among the methods used is—wait for it—the sniffing of un derwear to home in on Mr. Right. Did we mention that the host of the show is Stormy Daniels, who has apparently landed on her feet despite the ongoing drama with Donald Trump? Indeed For the Love of DILFs looks like a pretty sweet gig, filmed in Florida, where, believe me, everything is beautyful. Seriously? Then on to George Santos (R-NY), who seems to be living his nine lives simultaneously, one of which is that of a legislator in the U.S. House. Among the bills he’s cosponsoring is H.R. 115, which is ostensibly about women’s rights but whose real purpose is to deny transgender rights. Of the resolution’s six points, the first three would redefine the word “sex” to mean “biological sex at birth” in various contexts. The other three A unique perspective on the life of Diana, Princess of Wales, the legend who found her way into our hearts.

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