GLCC 75th Anniversary

Projects There are lots of opportunities to serve as the hands and feet of Christ at Green Lake! Projects are available at all skill levels and are scheduled all year. Inside and outside, all across the grounds there are buildings waiting to be updated. We always need people whose skills include carpentry, plumbing, masonry, electrical, painting, gardening, auto maintenance and appliance repair. We need jacks-and-jills-of-all-trades, too, and plenty of helpers. Work Groups Serving as the hands and feet of Christ at Green Lake

An afternoon off is provided for groups that come for a week or more and work Monday-Friday. Work groups receive staff discounts at Worldwide Gifts, Troster Art Studios and the Country Store (when those locations are open). Work group participants who work 40 hours per week can enjoy a free round of golf during the time they are here. Provision Provision for work groups includes free housing, sometimes with cooking facilities, or meals can be purchased in our dining room at reduced rates. We can host groups of up to a maximum of 50 workers, depending on the season. Youth groups are welcome with one working adult sponsor for every five youth (age 16 and above).

Participation Participation comes from church groups, youth groups, secular groups, family groups and also from skilled individuals who bring special gifts which provide professional assistance in key areas. The group has a regular work day of 7-8 hours with short breaks and time for lunch.

Questions? Individuals or groups may apply online at Contact Debra Garetson for more info: DebraG@ OR (920) 294-7347.

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