Fypon | Polyurethane Price List

Customer Pick-Up Fyponwill shipgoodsoncustomerarrangedtransportation, withtheexceptionofPVCTrimboardsandsheets. •Customer pick-up (CPU) at our facility isavailable according tostandard lead times. •CPUmust be indicatedon thepurchaseorder. •Customersare responsible for arranging transportation. • Shippingcontainersmust beadequate for load receiving. •Customersmust confirmthepick-update / timewith their CustomerServiceRepresentativeat least 2businessdays prior to thescheduledpick-update. • Vanequipmentmust have trailer openingsof 98" in widthand109" inheight,andbe inclean,empty,safe anddrycondition. • Customer orderswill beavailable for pick-upbetween 5a.m.and9p.m.,EST,onbusinessdays. • Exception:Customerswithdroppedequipmentmay pickupany timeafter9p.m.,EST,onbusinessdays,at their convenience. • It is the responsibilityof thedriver tochock thewheels andensure the trailer isproperly locked to thedock.To ensure thesafetyof our employeesand thesafe transport ofmerchandise,Fypon reserves the right to refuse to load anyequipment. Product ReturnPolicy Carrier DamageClaims Intheeventofdamage, the followingactionsare appropriate: • Inspectionmust bemadeof eachshipment upondelivery. Anydamage tocartonsor goodsmust benotedon theBill of LadingorCarrierDeliveryReceipt at the timeof delivery. •Claims for lossmust befiled inwritingwithasignedcopy of theBill of LadingorCarrierDelivery receipt (noting damage) to theFyponQualityDepartmentwithin 1businessday (24hours) of delivery. •Documentationof freight damage (copyofBill of Lading and / orCarrierDeliveryReceiptwithannotateddamage) anddamagedgoodsshouldbe returned toFyponvia the RGA (ReturnedGoodAuthorization) process. •Replacement goodscanbearrangedbycontactinga FyponCustomerServiceRepresentative.

on theproduct typeandquantityon theorder.

•PVCColumnWraps • Stockproductswill ship in5businessdays. • Special order productswill ship in10businessdays. •QuickRail ® SyntheticRailingSystems • Stockproductswill ship in5businessdays. • Special order productswill ship in10businessdays. •PVCTrimProfiles,Boards&Sheets • Stockproductswill ship in7businessdays. • Boardsandsheetswill ship in10businessdays. • Special order productswill ship in3weeks. •Similar toPURproducts,PVCcolumnwraps,QuickRail systemsandPVCTrimproductswill shipwith the longest lead timebasedon theproduct typeand quantityon theorder. • Note: Inall cases, theshippingdate isbasedon the final receipt of all necessary information required to process theorder.Lead times for anyproduct subject toextension for exceptional order quantityor physical dimension. Cancellations Fyponwill accommodatecancellations toorders,under the followingguidelines: •Cancellation requestsmust bemadeviapurchaseorder sent toFyponbyEDI, faxor email. •Thecancellation requestmust referenceeither the customer purchaseorder number or Fyponorder number,and the line item(s) tobecancelled. •Cancellation requestsmust be receivedwithin24hours fromreceipt of thepurchaseorder. •Fyponwill confirmcancellationswithanorder cancellationacknowledgement via fax,email or EDI. •Cancellations for customandspecial order itemswill not beacceptedafter theorder hasbeenacknowledgedby Fypon. Freight Terms Fyponwill shipgoods tocustomersviagroundorLTL (LessThanTruckload). •Freight chargesarebasedonproduct typeand order volume.Pleasecontact yourCustomerService RepresentativeorCustomerService for informationon your specific freight program.




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