Florida Banking September 2021
8th Annual Women in Leadership Conference
2021 Planning Committee Members
The FBA 8th Annual Women in Leadership Conference is scheduled for December 2-3, 2021, at the Rosen Shingle Creek Resort in Orlando, Florida. This popular conference has quickly become the “go to” event and an annual source of inspiration, education and motivation for over 175 women executives from all across Florida. A planning committee chaired by Gwynn Davey, President Tampa of ServisFirst Bank in Tampa, has created a curriculum that will help attendees enhance their leadership skills and create lasting professional and personal relationships while networking with colleagues and peers from other Florida institutions. The registration fee for FBA member institution employees is $375 before November 2nd, and $425 after November 2nd. Registration materials have already been distributed several times via email. If you have not received this email please visit the FBA website at www.floridabankers.com for more information, to download a brochure and to register online. You may also contact Peter Brokaw, FBA Senior Vice President of Education, at (850) 701-3515 or by email at pbrokaw@floridabankers.com.
Gwynn Davey Conference Chairwoman President-Tampa, ServisFirst Bank, Tampa
Tiffany Colucci , FVP/Treasury Mgmt. Operations Mgr., Valley National Bank, Clearwater Ginger Martin , President & CEO, American National Bank, Oakland Park Lourdes M. Mendes , Sr. Vice President Relationship Manager, First National Bankers Bank, Miami Susan A. Rich , ILO, CBO, EVP/Chief Compliance Officer, One Florida Bank, Orlando Susan Roetz , PHR, Senior Training & Development Officer, City National Bank of Florida, Miami Kelly A. Smith , North Florida Region Bank President, Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Jacksonville Susan H. Walker , Managing Dir./Market Exec. Jacksonville, Bank of America, Ponte Vedra Beach
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