Florida Banking September 2021



S usan Payne Turner has been elected to serve as the chair of the Florida Bankers Educational Foundation (FBEF) Board of Trustees. Turner has served on the FBEF board since 2017. The FBEF serves as a financial resource for bankers seeking to advance their careers through education through the FBEF Scholarship/Loan Program and the FBEF Career Development Program. Turner has worked for Prime Meridian Bank, Tallahassee, since 2013 and currently serves as the executive vice president, chief risk officer and HR director. Turner has 38 years of experience in banking and, prior to her employment with Prime Meridian, worked as a regional retail leader for Centennial Bank, where she managed ten branches located in Leon, Wakulla, Calhoun and Liberty Counties. Turner knows firsthand the importance of bankers continuing their education as she is a graduate of the Louisiana State University Graduate School of Banking, in addition to having completed her undergraduate degree from Florida State University and then a Master of Business Administration from Troy University in 2005. Her service to others can be seen through the many groups that she shares her time and talents with. In addition to serving on the FBEF Board of Trustees, Turner’s interest in education is evident in her participation with the Tallahassee Community College Foundation. She is a past chair of the Foundation and serves as director emeritus. She also serves as past chair for the Tallahassee Community College Alumni and Friends Association. Turner participates with many groups in the Big Bend area, serving as director emeritus on the Board for the Wakulla County Chamber of Commerce and associate director of the Wakulla County Historical Society. In addition, she is a member of the Coastal Optimist Club and is the treasurer on the Board for the Community Foundation of North Florida.

Turner has been actively involved with the Florida Bankers Association for many years, serving on the Banker Education Council and the Human Resources Committee, as well as the FBEF Board. Turner’s two-year term as FBEF Board Chair runs from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2023. Prime Meridian Bank’s website says, “Even in an industry so dependent upon technology, good banking is still a product of good people.” The FBEF knows that good people can go on to do great things but, to do so, they may need help from others. We want to help deserving individuals seeking financial assistance because we know that today’s bankers are the future leaders of our industry. If you want to continue your education and become a better banker, the FBEF wants to help you. For applications and program information, please go to the Education section of www.floridabankers.com. We have application deadlines throughout the year so it is never too late to apply for FBEF funding. Please contact FBEF Director Letty Newton at lnewton@floridabankers.com or (850) 701-3522 for more information. The FBEF was organized in 1956 to provide financial aid to college students interested in pursuing a career in Florida banking and is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation registered with the Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services, Registration #CH7621. If you are interested in making a tax-deductible contribution to the FBEF, contact Letty Newton at P.O. Box 1360, Tallahassee, FL 32302-1360, e-mail lnewton@floridabankers.com or call 850-701-3522. A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DIVISION OF CONSUMER SERVICES BY CALLING TOLL-FREE 800-435-7352 WITHIN THE STATE. REGISTRATION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT, APPROVAL OR RECOMMENDATION BY THE STATE. www.FloridaConsumerHelp.com


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