Florida Banking October 2021
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For Landlords Additionally, landlords may apply on their own for lost rental payments. They must provide proper documentation and be qualified, much like renters. Please have them visit www.OURFlorida.com, call the number listed above, or visit a local office for more information. We hope that you find this information helpful and that these programs will help those in need. We will send you more information on these and other rent assistance programs as we learn of them. As always, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about this short summary.
Once a renter is qualified into the program, OUR Florida will send payments directly to the business, landlord or utility on behalf of the renter. Qualified renters may receive up to 15 months of rent payments, including 12 months past-due rent and utilities, and three months of forward-looking payments. Utilities payments are for those not included in the tenant’s rental payments. Telephone, cable, and internet are not considered utilities. The maximum payment for rent and utilities is $2,000 per month with the program capped at $15,000 for a qualified household.
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