Florida Banking March 2024
P lans are in full swing for the FBA’s upcoming 136th Annual Meeting, and this year we’re back in beautiful Palm Beach at The Breakers. Join us June 16-19 to network with your peers across the state. I encourage you to register now to take advantage of “early bird” discounted pricing, which ends April 17. In addition to your bank leadership, I hope that you will also bring a young banker (or two) to this event. It is important to engage the future leaders of our industry. Our Annual Meeting gives us the opportunity to hear from knowledgeable speakers, recognize hardworking bankers, and raise funds for FBA’s advocacy efforts. We will also conduct business such as installing new officers and board members. Upon completing my year as your FBA Chair, I will pass the torch to Incoming Chair Derek Jones. What will our schedule look like? The event begins with board meetings on Sunday. Monday brings the informative “Rap with the Regulators” panel with representatives from each of the regulatory bodies (which will be more relevant than ever this year!), and an ABA and ICBA panel, followed by the Welcome Reception. This is a great time to explore the tradeshow and learn more about the products and services that could make a difference for your financial institution. We’re grateful to the vendors and partners who exhibit and sponsor our event! Be sure to take notes during the informative sessions and breakouts on Tuesday. The FBA puts on an excellent program each year. This year, we’ll cover timely topics such as interest rate risk, practical uses for AI, fraud and deposit acquisition. On Tuesday evening we’ll enjoy the BankPac Silent Auction. We encourage you to donate an item for the auction. More importantly, bid high and bid often! As BankPac’s largest fundraiser of the year, the Silent Auction provides important funds to support political candidates who champion our industry and advocate for a free and competitive marketplace.
The Breakers
We will wrap up the Annual Meeting with our final banquet and evening entertainment, which never disappoints. Of course, you’ll also have time to enjoy your stay in Palm Beach and the amenities at The Breakers. Attending the Annual Meeting is a great way to learn more about the association’s efforts and how you can be involved in our advocacy. I hope every FBA member bank will send at least one representative to the Annual Meeting in June. Don’t wait to register - reserve your spot today! Visit the FBA website to register and stay up-to-date with the most current program information: www. FloridaBankers.com/AnnualMeeting. I hope to see you in Palm Beach in June!
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