Florida Banking February 2023


Partner with Lively to deliver a best in-class HSA experience and unlock revenue growth for your bank. Adam Berry, (208) 724-03091 adam.berry@livelyme.com

Florida Bankers Health Consortium has been helping community banks manage their benefits for more than 50 years.

Bond, D & O, Cyber Insurance Patricia Williams, (800) 274-5222 pwilliams@abais.com

Angie O’Reilly, (407) 515-2462 aoreilly@selectsourceone.com

#1 source for medical & professional loans BHGLoanHub.com/FL Melissa Whelan, (315) 559-7641 melissa@bhg-inc.com

The only nationwide independent, member-owned debit network, processor & core provider supporting community banks. Alex Jerigan, (299) 861-3802 Jerigan@shazam.net

Bank Captive Insurance | Delaware & Nevada Investment Subsidiaries | Solar Tax Credits David Guerino, (802) 233-2624 dguerino@key-state.com

Web-based portal for professionally designed & produced bank branded marketing materials in seconds. Neal Reynolds, (678) 528-6688 nreynolds@bankmarketingcenter.com

STS Group is Florida’s strongest partner for bank security, ATMS & branch automation equipment. Adam Stephens, (256) 957-8018 adams@stsgrp.com

A full suite of investment products and services for community banks through its exclusively endorsed broker, Stifel.

J im Reber, (800) 422-6442 jreber@icbasecurities.com

Comprehensive and affordable payments solutions, including credit, debit, merchant, & digital commerce. Client Relations, (800) 242-4770 bancard@icba.org

Broad range of integrated payment, marketing, & technology solutions. Mariangie Navarro, (786) 521-1355 mariangie.navarro@harlandclarke.com

Executive Benefits & BOLI Glenn Blackwood, (561) 798-5620 glenn.blackwood@nfp.com Joe Schaefer, (786) 566-9423 joe.schaefer@nfp.com

Zurich provides best-in-class solutions to help reduce FBA member bank losses and manage risk more effectively.

Discounted supplies including PPE, cleaning, furniture, print & promo solutions. Kimberly Gilbert, (855) 337-6811 Ext. 12815 kimberly.gilbert@officedepot.com

A family of bank compliance services that include compliance alliance, review alliance, & virtual compliance officer. (833) 683-0701 info@bankersalliance.org

Stanley Bernard, (410) 559-2423 stanley.bernard@zurichna.com

Ncontracts' solutions suite encompasses the complete life cycle of risk. We help you build a better bank in a constantly changing environment.

Core & Digital Banking Evaluations | Contract Negotiations | Bank Advisors for 28 Years Keith Hagen, (850) 640-2244 keith.hagen@ici-consulting.com

Receive High-Yield CRA Credit David Lenoir david.lenoir@shcpfoundation.org

Corey Polom, (413) 374-5467 corey.polom@ncontracts.com

Created by the Florida Bankers Association, BancServ Inc., provides quality products and services at a discounted rate, saving Florida banks time & money. Brian Hickey, Managing Director of Partner Relations | bhickey@floridabankers.com

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