FSR December 2022


In the

Bread Basket BISCUITS have eclipsed their status as a break fast-only Southern staple. Accord more, 73 PERCENT OF CONSUMERS SAY THEY WOULD ORDER A BISCUIT AS A SIDE IF IT WAS ON THE MENU —a craving that’s not restricted to the earliest daypart. Breakfast may claim the lion’s share in terms of biscuit orders, with 44 per cent of consumers reporting they’d likely eat one, but demand is nearly as high at dinner, when 40 per cent of Americans say they’d order a biscuit with dinner. Consumers are also interested in fresh takes beyond the bread basket; 58 percent are interested in desserts made of bis cuits, and 51 percent say they’d be more likely to order a sandwich if it was on a biscuit rather than regular bread. ing to findings from GENERAL MILLS , more than a third (34 percent) of Americans have ordered a bis cuit for dine-in or takeout in the past year. What’s

T I M E FO R MO R E Red Wi ne

Amid the boom in craft beer and cocktails, wine has experi enced only incremental growth in recent years, but future projections are looking far more fruitful, especially for red wine. Per market research firm Fact.MR , red wine expe rienced a compound annual growth rate of 2 percent between 2017 and 2021—a modest figure that Fact. MR attributes partially to higher costs and more lim ited penetration in certain regions. But as access to pre mium options expands, red wine is expected to grow by 5 percent between now and 2032, catapulting its global value from $82 billion to $135 billion . As for the most popular vinos? Shiraz and Merlot are leading the pack, together accounting for a market share of 13 percent, or an estimated $11.7 billion as of year-end.





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