FSR April 2023

First Course

More than 80 percent of employees would rather have good mental health than a high-paying job, according to a 2023 study.


Behind Kitchen Doors BY CALLIE EVERGREEN How can restaurants better support workers’ mental health? PARK AND RECREATION'S Leslie Knope is known for her—let's say "passionate"—love for celebrating obscure holidays, many of which she made up like Chicken Dance Day and Calzone Day. Well, according to National Today, April 1 marks the start of National Month of Hope, Counseling

Awareness Month, and Stress Awareness Month—though most restaurant workers would likely say they're quite aware of their stress year-round. The pandemic only worsened the toll on frontline restaurant workers, and a 2023 survey from The Workforce Institute at UKG



APRIL 2023

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