Explore Chattanooga Summer 2023


beauty of experiencing all four changing seasons, and how walkable everywhere is! While the store is licensed to carry the products of national clothing brand Life is Good , the Chattanooga store is not a franchise but a local shop run with local flavor, and Roy said that in many ways the store’s location allows them to serve as a kind of welcome center for Chattanooga natives and visitors alike. Roy and Jacqui love to share about the city they’ve grown to love and now call home, helping newcomers navigate their visit by pointing them to favorite restaurants, stores, and other places of interest. Life is Good is an apparel brand that serves to spread the message of optimism, and Roy told me that this is one of the things he and Jacqui love about carrying Life is Good clothing. “It’s not a toxic positivity where you gloss over the problems,” Roy said, “but it’s a message of gratitude. Life isn’t perfect, but life is good.” When I asked him what else he loved about the brand he told me that every article of clothing Life is Good makes is “long-lasting com fort.” Jacqui added that almost ev erything is 100% cotton and 100% made in the United States, and that it’s not uncommon for people to have a shirt for over a decade that becomes that shirt , the one you can’t imagine living without. All in all, life is good, and so is their clothing! Whether you stop by just to meet Roy and Jacqui and get an inside scoop on the city of Chattanooga, or whether you just love the Life is Good brand and need a new go-to tee, make sure to swing by Life is Good Chattanooga and share in the message of optimism!

L ocated in the heart of downtown Chattanooga is a store which represents the heart of Chattanooga: positivity. Life is Good Chattanooga is a locally-owned, retail shop run by Roy and Jacqui Gress, Chattanooga locals who believe that, well, life is good! After visiting for 20 years and falling in love with the city, Roy and Jacqui sold their business of thirteen years in Florida and moved to Chattanooga in 2020, opening their store off Broad Street in October of 2021. When asked what caused them to fall in love with Chattanooga, they answered that it was the attraction of a city that is growing and progressing so positively, the

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