Explore Chattanooga Fall 2023

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Explore Fall Events

flying dogs, or disc dogs, it doesn’t matter how you refer to them, these dogs are amazing! 10/3-10/4/23 - DiscDogathon / Xtreme Distance - Camp Jordan, East Ridge, TN 10/7-10/8/23 | Skyhoundz Classic - Coolidge Park, Chattanooga, Tennessee. skyhoundz.com. Oct 6, 7 3 SISTERS BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL The 3 Sisters Bluegrass Festival honors the musical legacy of Bluegrass Fiddler Fletcher Bright. Features some of the biggest names in traditional Bluegrass. 3sistersbluegrass.com Oct 7 WINE OVER WATER / WALNUT STREET BRIDGE Wine Over Water is celebrating its 28th anniversary! This much-loved annual event has become a favorite destination for wine enthusiasts throughout the southeast. “WOW” is an evening showcasing 200 wine varieties, delicious food from leading Chattanooga restaurants, and three stages of music - all taking place on one of the world’s longest pedestrian bridges spanning the beautiful Tennessee River. preservechattanooga.com/wineoverwater Oct 14, 15 The Chattanooga Market presents the 22nd annual Chattanooga Oktoberfest® – a two-day festival on Saturday, October 14th and Sunday, October 15th. The weekend features German accents such as live oompah music, cultural food offerings and an expanded selection of beer, food and fun. chattanoogaoktoberfest.com CHATTANOOGA OKTOBERFEST

Chattanooga Motorcar Festival

Oct 13 - 15 CHATTANOOGA MOTORCAR FESTIVAL Experience the thrill of

classic cars, cutting edge designs, and high octane excitement at Chattanooga’s annual Motorcar Festival. chattanoogamotorcar.com Oct 20, 21 CREATIVE DISCOVERY MUSEUM MONSTER BASH Join CDM for their annual family-friendly Halloween Bash. Explore the museum in your kid-friendly costumes and enjoy monster-themed activities and games. cdmfun.org Oct 15 7 BRIDGES MARATHON / COOLIDGE PARK The 7 Bridges Marathon starts at Coolidge Park near the Big Blue Rhino (and the Chattanooga Theatre)

on Tremont Avenue. The new course crosses the 4 bridges downtown and 3 “upgraded” bridges on the North Chick Greenway. The course is road, concrete, and asphalt. Aid

Chattanooga Tourism Company

stations and bathroom facilities are available almost every mile. sevenbridgesmarathon.com/7-bridges marathon Oct 21 BREWTOBERFEST BEER FESTIVAL Brewtober Beer Fest takes you into the heart of Lula Lake for a fall adventure you cannot find anywhere else: iconic sights + delicious brews + beautiful trails.

Fall 2023

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