Explore Chattanooga Fall 2022
Spotlight | WHERE TO SHOP
B lue Skies has branded itself as “the place for the perfect little gift.” An independent shop in Chattanooga’s Northshore district, the inventory is whimsical, imaginative, and always changing: A ceramic whale vase for small succulent plants. Paper star lanterns. Keychains made out of recycled license plates. Silver lithograph necklaces. Tote bags and coin purses rocking the likeness of Dolly Parton and Ruth Bader Ginsberg. And, a long-time Chattanooga favorite, handmade ceramic flowers by Blue Skies employee Denise Shropshire. Shropshire became an artist at age 35 when she received pottery lessons from a local artist as a birthday gift. Now 61, she’s created a collector’s item that has gone home with thousands of Chattanooga visitors. For Shropshire, each ceramics session begins with three pounds of clay and a flat roller. She textures the clay with lace and leaves before cutting, drying, and firing. Each flower is a standard daisy and varies
Fall 2022
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