Escapees September-October 2023

National HTC 2022 annual rally in Elkhart, Indiana.

ways,” says Brad Bartz, co-founder of the new Handicapped Travel Club Escapees BoF. “The challenges can be different depend ing on the disability but there are some common obstacles. Gravel is a nightmare for anyone in a wheelchair. You would be surprised how many campgrounds have gravel pads and gravel roads.” He says that even if a facility appears to be thoughtfully designed for equal access, there may be overlooked details that are so obvious to people with disabilities, but sadly not to the architects responsible for creating those spaces. “One RV Park we went to was amazing,” he explains. “The RV pads were all paved and wide enough for lifts, the roads were paved and there were accessible fi re pits. It was lovely except for one tiny detail: the doors on the bathroom stalls opened inward. Why is that a problem? Well, if you drive in with a wheelchair or powerchair there is no way to close the door once you are in the stall. Talk about embarrassing!” During their 33-years together, Teresa and Brad have embraced camping and RV travel from their home base in Woodinville, Washington. Like many people, they started out tenting and over the years tried out different types of RVs that could accommo date her wheelchair and paralysis. Today, their RV of choice is a Grand Design 22MLE Travel Trailer, which has an open fl oor plan and strategically placed grab-bars. “It was exceedingly dif fi cult to fi nd a travel trailer with an open fl oor plan and enough space around the bed,” says Brad. “The Grand Design 22MLE fi t the bill. We have also had a shower set permanently installed, which is a big plus.” The new rig has heightened their desire to see more of the country. “We are not yet full-time RVers, but we might as well be. Last year we traveled over 10,000 miles, meandering from Woodinville to Cape Canaveral, Florida, and back,” Brad explains. “This year includes two trips to Arizona, one to Wisconsin and several shorter trips in-between.” Sometimes Teresa plans RV trips just for the two of them and at other times, she makes sure to connect with family and friends. “I love my able-bodied friends, but it can be challenging sometimes when they want to visit somewhere that I just can’t go,”

Teresa and Brad Bartz at Mount Rushmore. ALL PHOTOS PROVIDED BY BRAD BARTZ #172635


September/October 2023 ESCAPEES Magazine

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