Escapees September-October 2023

view fi nder

A view of the San Diego city across the bay from Shelter Island in California. The white line is from a jet taking o ff while doing a long exposure. BY MARK FAGAN #99408

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. View from Parliament Hill. BY ERIK ANDERSON #129446

While in La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico, in 2022, my husband, Larry, and I were driving down the main street along The Malecón after dark. We were surprised how busy the entire area was on a week night. People were strolling, biking, roller-blading, skateboarding and overall enjoying a balmy evening. PHOTO BY JOYCE SPACE #61818

SHARE YOUR VIEW—A NEW THEME EVERY ISSUE Submissions must include your name and membership number, the name of the photographer and a caption. Photos will be published on a space-available basis. Submissions do not qualify for payment. To submit photos for “View fi nder,” send high-resolution, unaltered digital photos as e-mail attachments to view fi ND23 (DUE JULY 10) CAMPFIRE FUN JF24 (DUE SEPT 10) PAINTED SKY MA24 (DUE NOV 10) UNIQUE ARCHITECTURE MJ24 (DUE JAN 10) LANDMARKS JA24 (DUE MARCH 10) PARKING PERFECTION SO24 (DUE MAY 10) ALIEN LANDSCAPE ND24 (DUE JULY 10) BEAUTIFUL BALLOONS JF25 (DUE SEPT 10) FIREWORKS


September/October 2023 ESCAPEES Magazine

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