Escapees September-October 2023
features 34 The New Handicapped Travel Club Escapees BOF BY RENE AGREDANO Enjoying Accessibility and Camaraderie One Adventure at a Time 37 21st Century Treasure Hunt Geocaching BY EVANNE SCHMARDER Sure, many of us aren’t rogue swashbucklers or American historians but, as RVers, we are avid adventurers. 40 Work Camping at The Indianapolis 500 BY BIANCA DUMAS When my family was on a multi-year, multi-state RV adventure, we discovered work camping, which opened up places and educational opportunities that we never would have imagined. 44 Protection From the Elements With An RV Cover BY EMILY FAGAN A discussion in the Escapees RV forum pointed us to the Goldline RV cover, by Eevelle. 47 Add Counter Space with a Flip-up Shelf! BY EMILY FAGAN Our 33' Genesis Supreme toy hauler has a doll-house sized kitchen with almost no counter space. 50 Civic Engagement BY SAMUEL BURK Why voting is more important than ever 52 Kansas East, West and in Between BY DOROTHY RIEKE Beauty is apparent everywhere in the state of Kansas. 58 Up, Up and Away with Boomers and Balloons BY TINA CAPARELLA A 40-year bucket list item was fi nally checked off.
On the Cover PHOTO BY TARAH WISSER #177268
This beautiful cover photo was taken while traveling on the Avenue of Giants, a 31-mile scenic drive through old growth Redwoods in Northern California. Tarah says, “We trav eled this route in March, while touring the country full time. Even our 42 ft. fi fthwheel felt tiny surrounded by these magni fi cent towering trees!
ESCAPEES Magazine September/October 2023 2
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