Escapees November-December 2023

rv gadget box

Orion Compact Camper Roadside Safety Kit By MARK NEMETH #45776, Escapees Technical Advisor Send your questions via e-mail to

I usually try to keep a low pro fi lewhen I’m RVing, but the one time I want everybody to know exactly where I am is when I’m on the side of the road with a problem! I I f you travel the interstates in your RV, it’s always a good idea to have safety devices to route traf fi c around you if you break down. This isn’t as signi fi cant a problem on secondary roads, but they can sure be handy there, too. I’m talking about cones or fl ares, and believe me, I hope you never have to use them. However, if you do use them, they will signi fi cantly improve your visibility and safety, especially on busy roadways. I still carry a set of DisposaCones ( DisposaCone-Re fl ective-Cones-3pk-Disposable/dp/ B003HL361O) and, thankfully, I haven’t had to use them yet. However, this nice little road fl are safety kit showed up in the gadget box mail slot and it would make a good addition to any RVer’s safety gear. T he carry bag is only 16"L x 3.5"W x 5" H, so it will fi t almost anywhere. The carrying case has a big Velcro pad on it, making it easy to mount just about anywhere in the RV. Mine is stuck to the wall behind the driver’s seat, out of the way, but easy to grab.

Calling All Gadgets I enjoy RV gadgets, and I’ll bet that most of you reading this have at least one special gadget that you can’t live without. Why not share it? Contact me at and tell me about it. If I like it, I’ll review it in the “RV Gadget Box” column and credit you with discovering it! Check out the RV


So, where do you fi nd one? Right now, Orion is distributing this new product via RV dealerships and parts stores. There don’t seem to be any available online yet but check your nearby RV dealer’s store for an Orion product display or contact Orion directly and tell them you want one!

ORION COMPACT CAMPER ROADSIDE SAFETY KIT MSRP under $40, Orion Safety Products 1-800-637-7807,

“This very compact little bag contains three 30-minute road fl ares, a safety vest, a re fl ective triangle, a rain poncho, a19-piece fi rst-aid kit and a safety guide.”

ESCAPEES Magazine November/December 2023 8

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