Escapees November-December 2023

I can’t sing either one without sounding like a moose calf lost along the AL-CAN, but that doesn’t keep me from trying, any more than a few rainy days could keep those of us who attended the Hangouts in Fairbanks, Seward and/or Valdez from getting out of our RVs to hike, fi sh, shop, explore and, of course, watch eagerly for wildlife. We experienced, not only the wonders in Denver’s song, but also gained an even greater sense of camara derie than that created by a single Escapees event. I know. I didn’t think it was possible either! However, because just getting to Alaska is a tremen dous endeavor, much less deciding what to see, where to stay and in what order to visit as many landmarks and experience as many bucket list items as possible once there, the Facebook Group for attendees started buzzing with tips and queries for months before anyone’s wheels started rolling north. Even before we got there, we’d come together as a group to help each other out. And, in keeping with the freedom associated with our last frontier, the Hangouts were not organized as a cara van, but rather as a trio of week-long events scheduled with plenty of free time before, after and in-between for us to see Alaska our own way and at our own pace. Whether we arrived early, stayed late, attended all three Hangouts or just one, we came to rely on each other quickly. Like those hardy souls who traveled to Alaska well before the bene fi t of paved roads, and those who stay through the dark winters in her small towns and remote boroughs. I’d argue that we Escapees created our own “small town” for the summer, both virtually through our Facebook group and, in person, each time we gathered.

THERESÉ JULO #139199, Hangouts Director

Our fi nal Hangout article for the year would not be complete without a tale about the three Alaska Hangouts that took place this summer. HERE’S TO ALASKA Admit it. You sang along with “Take Me Home, Country Roads” more than once on RV travel days. But did you know that John Denver also performed a similarly heart felt song about Alaska? It might be a less popular song, but I can’t think of a more appropriate one to represent the threesome of Hangouts held in the 49th state this past summer. Between verses expressing yearning for mountains, glaciers, rivers, natural beauty and a different kind of life, comes the rousing chorus:

Here’s to Alaska, here’s to the people Here’s to the wild and here’s to the free Here’s to my life in a chosen country Here’s to Alaska and me!




ESCAPEES Magazine November/December 2023

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