Escapees November-December 2023
day’s end
Free and Low-Cost Parking Finds Compiled by GUYGIPSON #84383 • Download the entire online directory at The Day’s End Directory is a valuable tool to help you save money and fi nd safe overnight parking recommendations from fellow Escapees RVing members. CANADA, Alberta
GOLDEN : Redgrave RA, both sides. Tables, pit toilets. No signs. WB side 37 KM W of town on TCH 1 (110 KM E of Revelstoke, 10.5 KM W of Donald Sta (bridge)), N side of hwy, 51.49067 -117.27589. EB side 0.5 KM further W. WB side shaded, less open to hwy, narrow circular rd, 2–3 lg rigs. Some hwy noise. Linda Williamson #102614 Arizona QUARTZSITE : Marketplace CG. 40 acres of BD (RV only, no tents) and vendor area. $7, discount for lg groups. D and W ($10). 50 E Kuehn St, just E of SR 95 and S of I-10, N side of Kuehn. 33.66036 -114.21547. 541-571-3118. Drinking W and tank pumping avail from vendors. Across st to S, at 55 E Kuehn, is Rice Ranch, a pricier CG with HUs. Chas Wilder #88717 QUARTZSITE : RV Pit Stop. E sites avail, over fee criteria. D priced by size of rig. RO W 25c/gal, $1/5-gal. Propane avail. 425 N Central Blvd. Dean and Judy Sheeley #68258 QUARTZSITE : Tumbleweed (formerly Rose) RV Park. $10 BD sites, E/W and FHU pull-thrus $30 ($39 in Jan), also wk/mo rates. D $15, W fi ll $5, both $20. Dumpster. 600 E Kuehn (N side), E of US 95, parallel to S side of I-10. Easy in/out. 405-306-2309. John Parker #96350 QUARTZSITE : BLM BD areas near town. Free. 14-day limit within 28 (if moving to more BLM land, it must be at least 25 mi away or to LTVA). Any size rig. 1) DOME ROCK (WEST) : I-10 x11, S frontage rd, both sides. 6 mi of BD E to x17. Best sites for level and lg rigs start 1 mi E of x11. Also accessible from x17, go W on S frontage rd. 2) DOME ROCK (EAST) : I-10 X17, Take S Frontage Rd W To Cholla Rd, S on Cholla to 1st wash, Bd Is To W end of rd. Bd access area is only 1/4 mi wide but widens out as you get away from the rd. Adjacent to the western dome rock area, separated by a wash that maybedif fi cult to cross with your rig. 3) SCADDAN WASH : from I-10 x19, go S on Riggles Ave 0.4 mi to intersection, TL (E) on rd that becomes frontage rd S side of I-10, pavement goes four mi, last three have BD to R. Also, at pavement end tr, go 1.5 mi to where Main Rd makes sharp L. Instead, go R into huge boondock area (N33 38.989 W114 09.096) or go S on US 95 (Central Blvd) and, just after where the interstate crosses, TL on Kuehn St. Go straight past Riggles Ave, follow above.
CANMORE : Safeway, three long RV pkg spots. Ask permission from manager for O/N. Ctr of town, on N side of store. W and D at Welcome Ctr on W edge of town, O/N not permitted. Linda Williamson #102614 JASPER : Snaring River CG Over fl ow, Jasper NP. 250 gravel BD sites, tables. Vault toilet, trash bins, W and food lockers. $16.75. Three-nite limit, extendable on request. Appears to be closed except when CG is full. TCH 16, 11.6 mi (19 KM) N of town (toward Edmonton), TL (W) on paved Snaring Rd, go 5.5 KM. Snaring CG (over fee criteria) is on L just before a bridge. Cross bridge, TR into over fl ow. 53.0149 -118.08625. Good signs, easy off/on, good side rds. Lg rock lot, 200 rigs of all sizes. Easy to level, some shade. Fabulous mtn views, near Snaring Riv. Wildlife. Bruce Ratcli ff #48001 and Maxine Vert #49242 LAKE LOUISE : Lg, level gravel lot (some paved). BD O/N. Pit toilet, trash bin. $10.80, self-register/pay kiosk. One-nite limit. From jct PH 93 and TCH 1, go 5 mi SE on TCH 1 to "Over fl ow Camping" sign on R. N51.38692 W116.12957. Easy access. Some hwy noise at night and noise early am from trucks pulling out. Room for many RVs any size, good solar, poor Verizon. Bus from pkg lot to Lake Louise or Moraine Lake $4/adult. Mark and Sue Bryer #86611 CANADA, British Columbia GOLDEN : Husky Truck Stop, fairly level gravel over fl owpkg lot. We asked permission and were told RVs are permitted to park O/N despite eight-hr limit sign. TCH 1, 0.2 mi NW of jct with Hwy 95, E side of hwy, N edge of Truck Stop in front of Ramada Inn. Xlnt food at Truck Stop. Linda Williamson #102614 GOLDEN : Kicking Horse RA. Long pkg spots OK for lg rigs with towed. Washrooms. Free. No stay limit posted. 14.1 KM E of town on TCH 1, N side. A bit sloped. Bob and Melanie Ashton #113199 GOLDEN : Redburn Creek Forestry Camp (known locally as IOOB campsite). Pit toilets. 6.4 mi NW of town on TCH 1, TR on Moberly Branch Rd, go 1.3 mi, TL on Golden Donald Rd, go 0.6 mi, curve R onto Oberg Johnson Rd, go 1.6 mi, TL on Moberly School Rd, go 0.4 mi, curve R onto Blaeberry Rd, go 4.3 mi crossing 3 bridges. When rd curves L over the 4th bridge stay straight ahead to lg pkg area on L with view of snow covered mtns and a creek. 51.47527 -116.97208. Any size rig. No cell signal. Nancy Holmes #95280
November/December 2023 ESCAPEES Magazine
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