Escapees May-June 2024
“Additionally, we have decided to extend our special RVOU offer through the Escapees’ Anniversary, July 4, 2024! All Escapees members, current and new, are eligible to enroll in the RV Foundations course and electives for FREE!”
But our work doesn’t stop there! In an era of ever-changing technology and the need to provide a seamless user experience, will continue to undergo improvements to its design and integrate even more great content! Although isn’t our sole focus, we are also planning to redesign the member’s website,, to ensure you’re always equipped with the tools you need to have a user-friendly and enjoyable experience. Continuing with the theme of improvements to our online resources, RVers Online University (RVOU) is slated to get even better! We are working diligently to bring several additional courses and electives you can access anytime from anywhere. From working on the road to expanded maintenance modules and more, these courses will provide even more valuable and critical knowledge to RVOU students and Escapees members. We look forward to revealing these additions through out the coming months and years. As a bit of insider knowledge, our Education Director, Jim Koca, will announce a new educational offering in the next issue of Escapees magazine!
RVOU SPECIAL OFFER EXTENDED Additionally, we have decided to extend our special RVOU offer through the Escapees’ Anniversary, July 4, 2024! All Escapees members, current and new, are eligi ble to enroll in the RV Foundations course and electives for FREE! A $127 value as our gift to you. We will walk you through your RV’s operation, safety and mainte nance with an expert instructor and long-time RVer, Jim Koca. Take the mystery out of your RV systems and gain peace of mind. So, what are you waiting for? Start your journey today with RVers Online University. As the RV lifestyle continues to gain popularity and more people seek the freedom of the open road, we pride ourselves on being a beacon of support and knowledge. With all the recent and upcoming improvements, these resources have reaffirmed our commitment to providing a comprehensive platform for RV enthusiasts and nomadic adventurers. Whether you are dreaming of your first cross-country trip, planning your retirement on wheels or have been navigating the open road for years, Escapees RV Club is your trusted support network every step of theway.
May/June 2024 ESCAPEES Magazine
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