Escapees May-June 2024


ClubSta ff Club Founders Joe and Kay Peterson President Travis Carr Vice President Melanie Carr

Co-Chief Executive O ffi cer Travis Carr Co-Chief Executive O ffi cer Melanie Carr Chief Operations O ffi cer Teresa Moore General Manager Kelly Brown Escapees RV Parks Administrator Cindy Neilsen National Escapade Directors Rob and Laura Kernodle Chapter Director/BoF Coordinator Wendy Stanwood HOP Director Lisa Koca

TAMMY JOHNSON #39557 Editor, Escapees Magazine

Hangouts Director Kirsty Halliday Convergence Director Hollie Parks Educational Director Jim Koca Brand Director Brandon Hatcher Marketing Director Kerensa Durr Digital Content Manager Jeannie Dees

“The editorial department is always happy to hear from our readers.” Escapees magazine can help you along the way as you head out for summer fun. Whether you’re looking for a unique destination spot or a fun gathering of RVers, this issue has it all. If you’re curious about the “Day’s End” column in each issueof Escapees magazine, check out Rene Agredano’s article. She explains the history of the “Day’s End Directory” and how the free and low-cost camping locations became a valuable resource for our traveling members. Find out how you can become the new editor for this handy compilation. If you’ve always been fascinated by the cliff dwellings and Native American ruins in the Southwest, you will enjoy Emily Fagan’s article. She takes you through New Mexico and Arizona areas where you can fi nd these ancient reminders of the past lives of the fi rst people of America. It is a destination spot you must put on your bucket list. Now that summer is approaching, you’ll want to pull out the grill and get cooking. Evanne Schmarder provides some pointers in this issue that will help us up our grilling game and make our meals the best they can be. At your next cook out, don’t be surprised when your RVing neighbors follow the aroma of your grill to your campsite! Have you found a hidden gem of a destination spot, made a useful modi fi cation to your RV or found a gadget that has been a game-changer on the road? Maybe you’ve had an insightful or inspirational experience that could bene fi t someone else. Remember to share your stories, thoughts and ideas with us, and help fellow Escapees members make the most of their RVing experience. The editorial department is always happy to hear feedback from our readers. Be safe, and enjoy your summer travels.

RV Show Directors Larry and Robyn Schultz Magazine Sta ff Managing Editor Tammy Johnson Copy Editor Carol Rice Editorial Assistant Kelly Evans-Hill Graphic Artist Krystina Evans Graphic Artist Cole Carter Advertising Director Kelly Evans-Hill Technical Advisor Mark Nemeth

• Submissions of features on all phases of RV living are welcome. Writers’ guidelines and payment schedule are available upon request: • For commercial display ads, contact advertising by calling 936-327-8873 or e-mail • Send address changes to Escapees, Inc., 100 Rainbow Drive, Livingston, TX 77351-9300 or Escapees magazine (ISSN-1556-7486) is published bimonthly by Escapees, Inc., 100 Rainbow Drive, Livingston, Texas 77351. Periodical postage paid at Livingston, Texas, and additional mailingo ffi ces. 936-327-8873. Fax: 936-327-4388. Website: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Escapees RV Club, 100 Rainbow Drive, Livingston, Texas 77351-9300. Copyright© 2024 by Escapees, Inc. All rights reserved. Escapees magazine is published bimonthly by Escapees, Inc., RoVing Press, in Livingston, Texas. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a data-retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or any other, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed under individual names are not necessarily those of the Escapees RV Club, its o ffi cers or the membership in general. Escapees does not knowingly accept deceptive or misleading ads. The name Escapees and the house-in-a-wagon logo are registered trademarks of Escapees, Inc., a Texas corporation. Commercial or noncommercial use requires an annual permit. Escapees Corporate O ffi ce 100 Rainbow Drive, Livingston, TX 77351-9300 936-327-8873 • Fax: 936-327-4388, Escapees Mail Service O ffi ce 101 Rainbow Drive, Livingston, TX 77399-9330 936-327-8873 • Fax: 936-327-4388 The written material within this publication is provided for educa tional or informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice. Escapees makes no e ff ort to verify the information in this publication and, therefore, Escapees does not guarantee the quality, accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the contributors’ submissions. Escapees shall not be responsible for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of, or in connection with, the use of the materials herein.


ESCAPEES Magazine May/June 2024

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