Escapees May-June 2024

view fi nder

Mount Rushmore MICHAEL BRACY #155946

Landmarks are important, and fun! This landmark “marked” the trail atop one of the cli ff s atDavis Mountains State Park, In Fort Davis, Texas. I paused to enjoy the landmark mountainous scenery beforeme. SANDRA HASTINGS #166305

Half Dome in Yosemite. We hiked up to Glacier Point, from the fl oor of Yosemite Valley, and were greeted with a wonderful lunch-time view of Half Dome (as well as Nevada Falls). JOEL THOMSON #152969

SHARE YOUR VIEW—A NEW THEME EVERY ISSUE With each submission, include your name, Escapees membership number, a description of the photo and the name of the photographer, even if you took the photo. Only a few photos will be selected for each issue. Submissions do not qualify for payment. To submit photos for “View fi nder,” send high-resolution, unaltered digital photos as e-mail attachments to view fi JA24 (DUE MARCH 10) PARKING PERFECTION SO24 (DUE MAY 10) ALIEN LANDSCAPE ND24 (DUE JULY 10) BEAUTIFUL BALLOONS JF25 (DUE SEPT 10) FIREWORKS MA25 (DUE JAN 10) INFINITE VIEW MJ25 (DUE SEPT 10) RVING FUN


May/June 2024 ESCAPEES Magazine

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