Escapees May-June 2024
day’s end
views. Deep grass. Some rd noise. No cell internet. 5652' elev. 2) 4 mi from US 85, TR on Long Draw Rd/CR 209, 44.2572 -103.8415. 40x50' level pkg area next to sm lake. 1–2 lg rigs. Minimal cell service. Nesting Swain Hawks and Red Deer. Guy and Karen Dana #124559 DEADWOOD : Roubaix Lake CG (NF). 51-paved sites in 4 loops, tables, grills. W spigots, vault toilets. Mid-May thru Aug. $28, S/A Pass 1/2. 16 mi S of town on US 385. Or from Rapid City, go 17 mi W on SR 44, TR (N) on US 385, go 10 mi, TL on FR 255 to CG. 44.2 -103.67. Forested CG on N side of Roubaix Lake. Fishing, hiking, swimming. Steve and Gail Ault #41031 DEADWOOD : 100' wide pkg area (NF). 5 mi E of town on US 14A, go 0.1 mi S on Camp 5 Rd. 44.3878N 103.62W. Steve and Gail Ault #41031 SPEARFISH : Iron Creek Trailhead, lg pkg area. No sign prohibiting O/N. 11.4 mi S from town into Spear fi sh Canyon on US 14A, MM 22, 3 mi N of Savoy, just N of a bridge, W side of hwy. Steve and Gail Ault #41031 Utah HEBERCITY : Lodgepole CG (NF). 21-sites, tables, grills. Threaded W spigots, vault toilets, D ($10). $28, S/A Pass 1/2. 14-day limit. Mid May—Sep. From Park City go 24.8 mi SE on US 40 (thru Heber City), MM 33. Max RV 70'. 7800' elev. Gene Ladd and Mary Dixon #109821 HEBERCITY : Strawberry Bay CG (NF). 227 paved sites, 78 are pull-thru, most with covered tables, fi re pits. Threaded Wspigots, fl ush toilet, D. E sites $45.03. BD $35.12 (long term 30-day min, 142 day max, $20), S/A Pass 1/2, more for double sites. From Park City go 33 mi SE on US 40 (thru Heber City) to FR 131 at MM 40.1. Go 3.8 mi S of visitor ctr, TL at Strawberry Bay sign to Strawberry Bay CG. Go 0.6 mi to Loops A-E, 1.5 mi to Loop F, and 1.7 mi to Loop G. Any size RV. Good Verizon. Fish cleaning sta. Boat ramp. 7600' elev. Swim/ fi shing area with sandy beach 1 mi S on FR 131, past CG entrance, no day use fees. Bob McIntosh and Elinor Aderton #31885 THE DAY’S END DIRECTORY is a useful tool for helping you save money and fi nd safe overnight parking recommended by fellow Escapees mem bers. “Day’s End” listings are submitted by traveling members. Please be aware that these listings are not veri fi ed by Escapees magazine, and the information is subject to change without notice. Want more? Order online or write Guy Gipson, 107 Rainbow Dr., #755, Livingston, TX 77399-1007. Online Search and Download: $15/year. Include your complete name and Escapees membership number. Order the Day’s End, Good Guys and Boondockers Journal Directory by visiting www.
Wyoming ROCK SPRINGS : Pull-outs, on way to Flaming Gorge NRA. No prohibitive signs. 6 mi W of Rock Springs, I-80 x99, go 12 mi S on US 191. N41.39374 W109.30032. 1) Paved pull-out, W side of hwy. Room for several lg RVs. Susie Morrow #49974 viewed Aug 16. 2) Continue 1.4 mi on US 191, TR (W) on CR 33/Flaming Gorge Rd, go 0.6 mi. 41 22 36N 109 18 1W. Gravel overlook for Big Firehole Canyon. Signed from W but not from E. Room for 1 RV. Before NRA boundary. 7190' elev. Jack and Dottie Barry #65881 ROCK SPRINGS : Dispersed sites, Flaming Gorge NRA (NF). Host at Firehole Canyon CG offered use of showers and D. May be Use Fee. 16-day limit. 6 mi W of Rock Springs, I-80 x99, go 14 mi S on US 191. At MM 515 go 10 mi W on CR 33 (paved), continue past Firehole Canyon CG (rd becomes dirt) W, then S. Numerous side rds end at reservoir and are OK for sm—med RVs. 4WD not needed on most rds. Limited turnaround space. 2 seen with RVs: N41 18.984 W109 29.074 and N41 5.855 W109 30.889. Jack and Dottie Barry #65881 ROCK SPRINGS : Firehole Canyon CG, Flaming Gorge NRA (NF). 40-BD sites with ramadas, tables, fi re pits. W and D. Rest rooms/free hot showers. $25, S/A Pass 1/2. $48 double site, may be no discount. 16-day limit. 6 mi W of Rock Springs, go S 14 mi on US 191 from I-80 x99. At MM 515 go W 10 mi on CR 33 (paved). N41 21.074 W109 26.693. Most sites are less than 35', 4-sites 40'. Not all sites are level. All sites are spectacularly gorgeous with views of sculptured rocks and reservoir. Boat ramp, beach. Very minimal cell, satellite OK. Bill and Priscilla Scott #87327 ROCK SPRINGS : US 191, pull-outs and pkg areas. O/N OK. Most no facilities. Free. No prohibitive signs. S to N, MM 10.3, lg gravel pull-out. 9 mi N of I-80 x104, go E on Chilton Rd/CR 17, immed cross cattle guard, immed on R (S side, by lg brown sign to petroglyphs, Boars Tusk, etc). Quiet at night. Excellent Verizon. Also, MM 10.5, pkg areas, both sides. 41.72895 -109.27665. Level space for 4–6 rigs. Excellent Verizon. Some hwy noise. Others N toDaniel. John and Bonnie Archer #113438
May/June 2024 ESCAPEES Magazine
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