Escapees May-June 2024
weight and safety
Oil and Water Analysis By JIMKOCA #86367, Escapees RVers Boot Camp Instructor
THE SMARTWEIGH PROGRAM PROVIDES ACCURATE INDIVIDUAL WHEEL WEIGHTS FOR YOUR RV, toad and tow vehicle, and it will help you to trim the pounds if needed. Complete weight analysis starting at just $60. Weighing appointments are available in Livingston, TX, Mon—Fri, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Livingston, Texas Rainbow’s End. Other times may be available. Call 936-329-6499 for information and reservations. Weighing is available at Escapade! analyze the fl uids regularly, any potential problems can be found early, preventing costly repairs, and your RV will operate at its best performance for years. Oil and water analysis is an extremely cost-effective way to approach your RV maintenance. If you will fl uid can be checked for wear metals, clutch materials and oxidation levels. At the same time, the coolant water can be checked for corrosion inhibitors, pH levels and leaks. It is suggested that the engine oil should be checked every 5,000 to 10,000 miles, the transmission fl uids every 20,000 to 30,000 miles, the generator oil every 50 to 100 hours and the coolant every two years. The cost will vary depending on the lab and the number of fl uids to be analyzed. The lab that I have used for my engines is JG Lubricant: WWW.JGLUBRICANTSERVICES.COM/RV.HTML
When you go to the doctor for a physical examination, one of the things that hap pens is that they draw blood. This is a nec essary evil to fi nd out what is going on in side your body. The engine for your vehicle or your RV, as well as the generator, has fl uid inside to keep the parts working. Many companies that have fl eets of vehicles will do an oil and water analysis at every oil change to detect early signs of wear and tear and to prevent costly repairs. It can also optimize maintenance schedules. S ome of the bene fi ts of performing an oil and water analysis is it looks for wear metals, contamination and other potential problems before they become costly. It can also con fi rmif the oil is still performing effectively. It could extend the interval between oil changes. In addition, it provides you with data into the health of the engine which can reduce the risk of unexpected breakdowns and will ensure optimal performance of your RV. Not only can the engine oil be analyzed, but the oil in the generator can also be checked. The transmission
May/June 2024 ESCAPEES Magazine
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