Escapees May June 2015 Demo

Final Journeys

Final Journeys Farewel l to our Escapees Friends

• The Escapees RV Club expresses sincere condolences to the families and friends of deceased members. • We appreciate notification of the deceased by caring friends; however, please obtain permission from a spouse or family member before submitting a notice for publication. • Send your Final Journeys notice to: or mail to: Escapees magazine, 100 Rainbow Drive, Livingston, Texas 77351

Occhiuto, Marion #37675-February 19,2015: (Frank, 70 21st Ave., Apt. 205, Longmont, CO 80501) Marion and her husband, Frank, left Timber Valley SKP Co-Op, in Sutherlin, Oregon, in August 2014 to make their home in Colorado near family. For those of us in the park, Marion left behind many fond memories. She is dearly remembered. Special blessings are felt for Frank and their family. Powell, Elsie M. #39939- December 1, 2014: (Ralph, 5366 Barnard St., Simi Valley, CA 93063) Elsie suffered from Parkinson’s disease and died at the age of 82. Ralph and Elsie were full-time RVers for 20 years, and they had a lot at Pair-A- Dice SKP Co-Op in Pahrump, Nevada. It was 62 years with a wonderful lady and many years as a member of Escapees. Rowell, Irene #256-January 13, 2015: (Ned, 4868 Tabernacle Rd, Lancaster, SC 29720) We were married 58 years. Irene went to Heaven after a long period of health problems. She enjoyed traveling, especially to Escapees parks. I plan to keep my place available to other Escapees for parking as long as I am able. Many hugs and prayers to all. 803-286-4703. Smoot, Marv #28942-February 22, 2015: (Jeanne Smoot, 11741 Mt. Vernon Road, Auburn CA 95603) As Escapees members, Marv and Jeanne owned lots in Park Sierra SKP Co-Op, KOFA Ko-Op and Saguaro SKP Co-Op. They moved to Green Valley in 2005, and in 2013 they moved back to California to be near family. Jeanne will remain in California. Marv was a dear friend who was gracious, knowledgable, interesting and a joy to be around. Marv is survived by his wife, Jeanne, three children and numerous grandchildren. (Reported by Steve and Gail Ault #41031.) Young, Jane #47612-Dec. 22, 2015: It is with great sadness that we share the news of Jane Young’s passing in Stuart, Florida. Jane, a long- time Escapees member, was also a wonderful, fun-loving and witty sister, sister-in-law and aunt. We are aware of, and appreciate, the many friends she made through the Escapees organization—especially you “Bs.” You know who you are. Ride on! (Reported by brother and sister-in-law, Chappy and Bev Young, 6832 SW Lasso Ln, Palm City, FL 34990, 800-780-1980.)

Luedke, Audrey (Jim) #630-January 9, 2015: My mom asked that we pass her written message to you in the event of her death. She andmy dad loved everything about the RV lifestyle, especially all the friends they made during their travels. She wrote, “I’m off to a new adventure, this time in heaven with my God and savior. This is my goodbye with a thank-you for the love frommy family and friends. I will be greeting loved ones and dear old friends. I’ll meet you at the gate when you arrive. Hug me in you heart, wish me Godspeed and happy journey and know that I take your love with me as I leave mine with you. I always did like to have the last word!” (Reported by daughter Marlene Gruehn.) Maybee, Bob #63354-December 23, 2014: (Jan, 440 Entrance Drive, Apt #5, New Haven, IN 46774) Bob went home to be with the Lord after a quiet and heroic battle with bladder cancer. He died at home with his loving wife of 55 years and three daughters at his side. We lived full-time in our ‘98 Winnebago Adventurer for 13 years. It truly was an adventurous time, enjoying the ad- vantages of Escapees membership. Volunteering at Escapees CARE was a highlight for Bob. He told many non-SKPs about CARE. The last three years of his life were in a senior apartment in Indiana. He loved his Lord and his family. He was especially proud of his nine great-grandchildren. Medina, Thomas #16932-September 1, 2014: (Mickey, 1753 Cypress PT Glen, Escondido, CA 92026) Thomas enjoyed 25 years of traveling and meeting new people through Escapees RV Club. Millen, Clive #32810-February 2015: (Jennifer, Ulladulla, N.S.W. Australia) Clive died from an auto accident. They were Escapees who traveled extensively in the US. They enjoyed their many adventures associated with Escapees.(Reported by Bill and Maxine Wiggins #20541.) Mondike, Roy #38954-December 12, 2014: (Patricia, 800 S State St. #25, Sutherlin, OR 97479) Roy was a World War II veteran, serving on the USS Arkansas during the invasion of Normandy. He was also an assistant for the Attorney General for the state of Illinois. We married and relocated to San Diego, where Roy practiced law and started a sailing business. He wrote a book titled, Memoirs of Big Game Hunting in North America . We were married 43 years. Roy was buried with a military service in Roseburg, Oregon. I was his biggest fan.

Anderson, Larry V. #35966-March 7, 2015: (Carolyn, 3916 N Potsdam Ave., PMB #2794, Sioux Falls, SD 57104-7048) Larry loved to roll down the road and meet new friends, and his desire to travel never lessened. His health slowed us down this last year. His heart muscle was weakened due to a blood infection, and it just got to weak too function. I plan to continue to travel on a smaller scale. Roll on! Duncan, Bettye S. #280-December 28, 2014: Bettye died unexpectedly while she was recuper- ating from a broken leg. She will be remembered for her gracious, quiet Southern charm. She and Jack (deceased seven months earlier) were charter members of The Resort SKP Co-Op in Florida, and they gave much of their time and labor in building and supporting it. They loved full-time RVing and also the Corps of Engineers lakes and parks. Jack was a Korean War veteran. They will be buried at the Georgia National Cem- etery in Canton, Georgia. (Reported by Margie Bird #3692.) George, Don #18486-January 25, 2015: Don and his wife, Ethel, who died several years ago, were Escapees for many years. They volunteered at Escapade and at the Escapees CARE center and were members of Chapter 25. They also traveled to many states, volunteered at state parks, traveled by RV in Europe and worked for an RV tour company for years. (Reported by Allen and Cathy Deyo #36749.) Hill, Robert A. #57402-January 3, 2015: “Alaska Bob Hill” died on January 3, 2015, in Houston, Texas, with his family and loved ones by his side. He had suffered several years with COPD and its complications. Bob had been a full-time RVer since retiring in Alaska in 1998, and he enjoyed his lifestyle to the fullest. He was active in the single RV groups and enjoyed the many friends he had made while traveling on the road.( Reported by Bobbie Shiplett #82269.) Huber (Gini), Virginia L. #2167-March 18, 2015: Gini was a former Escapees member and an original member of Park Sierra SKP Co-Op in Coarsegold, California. I was a neighbor and good friend of Gini. She has been in Valley Rehab Center for the past eight years, and I am one of the only people she recognized for the past six years. (Reported by James A. Adams #11350.)

88 . ESCAPEES | May/June 2015 |

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