Escapees May June 2015 Demo
V iewfinder
SKP Photographers, a special interest group for RVers who love photography. Join online at .
Cozy Beach Camper Rheta Johnson #25294 sent us the photo of this cool little camper. She says, “The fellow who owns this trailer camps at the beach every summer.” Photo by Rheta Johnson #25294.
Volks-camper Combo Paul Mayer #47799 found this Volkswagon and camper combo in Gallup, New Mexico. Photo by Paul Mayer #47799.
“Wood” you look at that ! This warm, cottage-like RV has been spotted by an Escapees member while visiting Bar Harbor, Maine, and Homer, Alaska. Photo by Paul Mayer #47799.
Share Your V iew A New Theme Every Issue
To submit photos for “Viewfinder,”send unaltered digital photos as e-mail attachments to . Include your name, Escapees membership number, a brief description of the photo and the name of the photographer, even if it is you who took the photo, with each submission. Only a few photos will be selected for each issue. Ghost Town Decay (SO15)...................................... Due May 10 The eerie decaying remnants of the past can be beauty in the eye of the photographer. Share your picture of the past. Snowman Sighting (ND15)...................................... Due July 10 The snowman comes in all shapes and sizes, and they are always a welcomed sight. Show a whimsical snowman you’ve made or run across. Vintage Trailer (JF16) .............................................Due Sept. 10 RV in Bloom (MA16) ...............................................Due Nov. 10 Roadside Nostalgia (MJ16)......................................Due Jan. 10
Cat Condo Jerry Laughridge #95654 shares this photo of his neighbor’s RV modification. He says, “Their cat goes in and out at will through the window and into the cage that’s mounted on the side.” Photo by Jerry Laughridge #95654. | May/June 2015 | ESCAPEES . 83
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