Escapees May June 2015 Demo
Birds of a Feather
NEW! Motorcyclists on the Road: Welcomes all motorcyclists with any size motorcycle. We enjoy the scenic roads and activities with riding both the short and long trips. For information on joining this BoF, contact Dennis Hill at NOMADS: NOMADS are Mission Volunteers and individuals who travel with a purpose. A ministry of the United Methodist Church, specific to RVers wishing to be involved in Christian service. Membership not depen- dent on church affiliation. Regular projects are three weeks, nationwide. Disaster rebuild projects may be one week or more as openings exist. Parking (including water, electric, dump) is furnished. Current projects list is posted on the NOMADS Website and is visible to members of NOMADS only, but with nationwide sites. To join NOMADS: 866-466-6237 or visit . For information contact Virginia Wiggers at 931- 200-4742 or There are no dues for NOMADs BoF. Penwheels: Quarterly newsletter inspires, encourages and assists writers in all styles of writing, published or not. Join our new group forum at . Sign up for free. Then, click search or groups, and enter Penwheels in the search field. Click join group to post. Please send your Escapees membership number to: Joanne Alexakis (joalexakis@earthlink. net) so your name can be added to the e-mail list for the newsletter. You can also contact Penwheels editor, Pet Lovers: For people who love all pets. Bimonthly (even months) electronic newsletter ($7/year or $13 for 2 yrs) includes pet info on health, vets, pet-friendly campgrounds, groomers, new pet items, good places to walk pets, seasonal info, humor and stories submit- ted by you. To subscribe, send check to Chris Davis, 405 East Bluff, Madison, WI 53704. It is important to include name, address, e-mail and phone number. When I can attend Escapade, we’ll provide educa- tional programs with Q&As, socials and a pet parade with fun prizes. Prospecting and Metal Detecting: Share tips and information. Roster and quarterly newsletter. By e-mail, $5; mailed, $15 a year. We get- together yearly for a week of prospecting and fun. Make checks payable to Janis Lanphear, Treasuer, 21748 Old Alturas Rd, Redding, CA 96003. Quilt Lovers: Quarterly newsletter provides quilt-related information and BoF news. Subscriptions: April to March. $5/year for newsletter and for CARE/Share service projects. Send letters, photos, articles and check/money order made out to Quilt Lovers BoF for your subscription to Membership/ Treasurer and Newsletter Editor Mary Costigan, Mary Costigan, 900 Brad- ford Court, San Jacinto, CA 92583-6530 (call 951-452-2999 or e-mail mary. Be sure to bring your sewing machine, sewing kit, thread, cutting board, quilt ruler and rotary cutter for quilt classes. Silver Bullet SKPs: Open to all Airstream RV owners, including Argosy, Airstream trailers and motorhomes. Meet at Escapades and other Escapees events and rallies. Watch for announcements on Escapade message board for happy-hour get-togethers, for discussions on troubleshooting and in- novations on our rigs and especially for new and renewing friendships. All communication is done by e-mail. Join us at Escapade. Lin/Maryke Hines: SKP Photographers: For all photographers, from casual to serious. Our goal is to help members have fun with photography and improve their skills through our free online newsletter, meetings at Escapades/rallies and in-the-field photo outings at interesting locations. Join online at www. , e-mail or call Lou Petkus at 630-750-7291.
SOLOs • C-BoF: A group for single Escapees. Must be a current member. Membership, $10/year. Three newsletters per year, mem- ber-hosted gatherings and pre-Escapade rallies. Send check, payable to Escapees SOLOS, with SKP#, mailing address, interests/hobbies, e-mail and phone number to Escapees SOLOs, 188 Rainbow Dr., #8822, Livingston, TX 77399-1088. SOWERs (Servants on Wheels: Ever Ready) A non-denominational ministry of born-again believers who combine our love of RVing and ser- vice to our Lord as we volunteer to work with other Christian ministries throughout the U.S. and Canada. From our listing of approved ministries, we choose the projects and months we work. Square Dancing: For information on this group, contact Bill and Dee Wheeler, 1612 2nd St., N, Cordele, GA 31015. E-mail wwdj66@yahoo. com or call 419-890-7254 (Verizon). Stonewall: Welcomes all gays, lesbians, bi’s, trans and their friends. An informal group, we gather at Escapades, Pride events and Quartz- site, Arizona, in January. Communication is online so we can meet each other as travels allow. No dues, no newsletters, just good times with great people! Donna Ellis at or Bill Marx at Woodcarvers on wheels: This group meets annually at North Ranch in Congress, Arizona, for a week-long workshop of carving, pyrography and more. We enjoy gathering at Escapade and anywhere else our paths may cross. Sharing ideas, patterns, hints and articles related to anything wood. To join, send your name, address, SKP# and $5/year to Sandra Boroff Kruty, 110 Rainbow Dr., #1002, Livingston, TX 77399-1010. Newsletter is sent out three times a year. Workers: For any Escapees member who has an interest in the work-camp- ing lifestyle, paid or volunteer. Both full- and part-time travelers are welcome. We are not a job location service but a means to exchange information among members who share this common interest and a means for social contacts. All communication is through a “members only” Yahoo! group, so Internet access is needed. For information, or to join, e-mail Kirk Wood at Worldwide Travelers : We offer information about independent or RV travel in countries around the world other than North America. Informa- tion is shared through tips and travel reports. Free monthly e-newsletter. To join the Worldwide Traveler’s BoF group, send your name, SKP# and e-mail address to Kathy Howe at .
52 . ESCAPEES | May/June 2015 |
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